Brotherhood Of Steel Entrance :D


First time out of the vault

2-3 hours[/img]
Nice, although it'd look heaps better if you added a little surroundings (sand, dust) to it.
Dust, sand, and large men with guns. You might want to lighten it up a bit. I know in the screenshot it's almost black on the sides but it's in the middle of the desert, with sun. - Colt
Oh my God, Ian was in that picture and Dogmeat wasn't. What's wrong with the guy who made the screenshot?!?

Anyhoo, that looks nice.
@Defractator looks like you're a skilled modeler... don't you want to help me a bit with my map ?
Morpoggel said:
Oh my God, Ian was in that picture and Dogmeat wasn't. What's wrong with the guy who made the screenshot?!?

Anyhoo, that looks nice.
Dogmeat must have been dead.
Defractator said:
Your signature... I'm French :'(

Please don't clog up this forum with useless remarks. His sig is not even an offense to the French as much as its a remark as to where Fallout should be set.