Build and OWB question


First time out of the vault
I am level 18 and about to download and start OWB. I have been sort of following a guide to see when I should have skills such as Speech and Science built up seeing how this is my first Fallout game. The guide has me bring Guns up to 62 and then TAG! it for the extra 15 leaving it at 77. Then he stops with Guns and builds up other skills such as Unarmed, and takes Explosives to 80. I already know I am going to leave Explosives at 50-60 and instead raise Sneak to around 60-70 but I am wondering if there is a reason to leave Guns at 77? Is taking it to 100 not really give much benefit or are there any other important "break points" I should be aware of?

Lastly, like I said about to start Old War Blues. Before I do is there anything in the main game I should do first? Does OWB have any negative effects on the performance of the regular game? SO far my game has run great on PS3 except for one time it kept freezing at the store in Novac. I went to a backed up save and fixed the problem. Thanks for your time.
Davos17 said:
I am level 18 and about to download and start OWB. I have been sort of following a guide to see when I should have skills such as Speech and Science built up seeing how this is my first Fallout game. The guide has me bring Guns up to 62 and then TAG! it for the extra 15 leaving it at 77. Then he stops with Guns and builds up other skills such as Unarmed, and takes Explosives to 80. I already know I am going to leave Explosives at 50-60 and instead raise Sneak to around 60-70 but I am wondering if there is a reason to leave Guns at 77? Is taking it to 100 not really give much benefit or are there any other important "break points" I should be aware of?

Don't just do what a guide says, level whatever you want. There is no "wrong" character build.
I understand that sentiment I really do I guess I was just wondering why everyone seems to leave guns at 75. If it reached some break point or something.
Don`t forget about the Skill books that rases your skill by 3(4 if you took the Comprehension Perk).With those books and the Skill magazines there is no need to max anything out yourself.Also,don`t follow that guide too much;half the fun of NV is discovering things out for yourself.As for OWB:I have no clue if theres any gliches or bugs,but an old rule of mine comes to mine about Fallout:Save early and often;that way you don`t have to far to treck if(or when)the game crashes.Hope this helps you in the long run.