Don't you just love it when people ignore the entire second half of what they're replying to just so it fits into their cookie-cutter bashing-scheme?
So we should attempt to re-socialize with people that have been known to be willing to strap bombs to themselves? What would we re-socialize them in? the reason the are the way they are is because of socialization into a way of life. Mind you that they have been told the the West will try and pollute their minds with lies, what makes you think that they can be "re-socialized"?
Durr... read, think, post. In that order. Now try again.
The information given by torture is only shady when a prisoner is tortured to far, to the point that they will say anything to make the pain stop. The death penalty is a revenge punishment.....hmm ok your point is?
The death penalty is not
intrinsically a punishment. If you read what I wrote, you'd already realize that.
My other point is that torture never gains purely reliable information. No matter how severe.
If your sister (if you have one) was killed for the sole purpose of satisfying the need for a good skull fuck, from some crazy criminally insane psycopath. Im pretty sure you would want to see the bastard dead. You would give to shits of a care if he was "re-socialized or not.
Ah, right. And because I as an individual have a craving to kill him -- or the person that got the blame for the crime -- that means he should be killed out of spite?
Sorry, dude, but the entire point of our legal system is to be objective about this kind of thing. There's no factual gain from killing someone who can easily become a productive member of society (remember that "gangster" Schwarzenegger let fry some weeks ago? The only reason he was still on the death row was that he never aknowledged that he comitted the crimes he had been charged for) -- other than the peace of mind of some individuals and a mass of people who were stirred up by the media.
This is the very reason why lynching is FORBIDDEN in western countries. It may be "fair" on the subjective level ("He's evil, so why can't we kill him?") but its all but on the judical level.
Revenge is not what modern law is about. Modern law is about preventing crimes from recurring -- and the preventive quality of corporal punishments has already been debunked.