Bush does it again!


White heterosexual male
Yes, he did, the show-off.

Here is his most recent bushism:

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."—Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004 (Thanks to Alicia Butler.)

:lol: :clap: :lol: :clap:

Found it over here: http://slate.msn.com/id/76886
That's great. I think Bill Mohr had it on Real Time on HBO as well.

That Dubbaya..... What a dumbass.
God, its like a bad sitcom with you people.

"I didn't break the window, honest! I mean, I didn't mean to..."

"Oh Dubya!"

*cue laugh track*

*we all die a little inside*
welsh said:
That's great. I think Bill Mohr had it on Real Time on HBO as well.

That Dubbaya..... What a dumbass.

"I'm George W. Bush, I deserve respectation!!!!"
Bush is creating another notable, albeit trivial, diversion from Iraq, Afghanistan, the economy... :P

Come on people. Leave him alone. He doesn't know what he says. :D
What an idiot!
And he won the last election? :P

It can be the truth coming out too though! :lol:
well that is a little pathetic but, we all know that bush couldn't win any awards in a speech contest. he meant that we never stop looking for ways that the enemy could hurt us. (of corse you all knew this right?)
I see what he was getting at, but I'm sure he gets a good weeks notice for most of his speeches. Let a few people proof-read your sloppy drivel; your daughters don't count...
You think he reads his speeches before he delivers them? Someone might tell him he will make a speech, but Bush never sees them before he reads them off a teleprompter.

The White House speech writers are over-worked and under-paid.
And what makes me sick is that my dad actually supports this guy. I actually think about making a support bush sign with the USA in ruins in the background.

Personally I think hes just a puppet with no true will of his own, just a dumbface that everyone "seems" to love. :roll:
Illegal immigrant labor: $5

The Best of Bush's Speeches Vol.1: $20

Having an election system where the popular vote means nothing: Priceless
Executioner said:
Illegal immigrant labor: $5

The Best of Bush's Speeches Vol.1: $20

Having an election system where the popular vote means nothing: Priceless

The humor is cleverly hidden.
You can go out and pay the shady group of Mexican Day Laborers outside the local gas station $20 and get them to do pretty much anything. $5 can't get you a lot. Mybe get your hedges trimmed or your car washed.