Bush Game!

EyeMaster7 said:
Are you talking about dishonest politicians? That tell lies? Like the WMD? :wink:

Sure, that's a good example, or the popuar lie that the budget was ever actually balanced in the 90s, when the debt has actually risen every single year since the 60s.
Yeah, no Democrat has ever involved us in armed conflicts, or fumbled military situations, and Kerry will surely follow this norm.

You know, Malkavian, when you're on a bus going the wrong way at 60 miles an hour, switching to a busing going the same way at 55 isn't going to help you much. I don't know for sure if Bush is really worse than Kerry, as rhetoric and propaganda have created a cloud of bullshit around the both of them that is impenetrable to my gaze. The truth is that it doesn't really matter. Bush and Kerry and aren't polar opposites, they're simply two sides of the same coin. They differ only in degrees, not in issues.
I'd still rather have a coherent, experienced leader than one who is just a damned corporate puppet, waging a war so his buddies can get rich.

But I'll stop now.
I think I'd rather slam my balls in a sliding glass door than vote for either one of them.

1000th Post.
I think Bush being the Commander in Chief makes him technically more experienced as a leader than Kerry, wouldn't it?

Also, you can't prove that the lack of WMDs constitutes the administration's assertion of their existence as a lie. If that's the case, then Clinton and Herbert Walker Bush would have had to be lying as well.
You mean Cheney being the Commander in Cheif, right? I mean, we all know he's the real President.

The Administration stated that it was a fact that Iraq had WMDs. That's why we went to Iraq in the first place, and risked the lives of so many of our troops. Because they definitely had WMDs. They've failed to deliver.
The Administration stated that it was a fact that Iraq had WMDs.

And there wasn't a single intelligence agency that doubted it (American or otherwise). Just because it turns out that everyone was wrong doesn't mean that they lied. Once again, if you're saying that Bush lied, then so did Clinton and H. W. Bush.

You mean Cheney being the Commander in Cheif, right? I mean, we all know he's the real President.

Sensationalist claptrap. Bush's incompetence is all his own.
It is a fun game. I'll give it that.
The bosses are very entertaining.
One of the drawbacks is that you are forced to sit through the "statistics" and "lessons" that are extremely boring and obviously horse crap. Another is that the game was too easy. The game was so easy compared to the other emogames so you could be exposed to all of the maker's propaganda.
Bradylama said:
And there wasn't a single intelligence agency that doubted it (American or otherwise).

Most agencies said that there were no WMD. In fact that was the conclusion of the UN . Chief weapons inspector Hans Blix said his teams had not found WMD. And they were inspecting Iraq since the golf war. err... gulf war. This conclusion came weeks before the war. Only the Brits and CIA said that they had "proof" of WMD. Photos and confessions. They even said an African nation sold plutonium to Iraq...