Buying a game for Xbox

Jack Swift

First time out of the vault
I have two nominees for my next Xbox game:

- 'Fallout: BS', Though, I understand that it has nothing to do with the "real" Fallout games, which I can probably never get to play 'cause I have a WinXP. :cry: I've only played some demo's with my earlier machine..

-'Hunter: The reckoning.'

They are both very cheap here, and both are H&S-style and co-op.

Which one should I get?
Neither. You should get something really good. Like Fallout. Or at least a good action game for the XBox

Playing Fallout or Fallout 2 on WinXP is not hard at all, just check out the Fallout RPG Gameplay & Tech Forum and find the solutions there. So go do that instead.

Also give Planescape: Torment a try.
I"m a fan of Tiger Woods. The diamond tooth covering things are fun. :twisted:

And moved to GG.
A guy who never played Fallout comes to a Fallout forum and asks for advice on which XBox game to get?

There is humor in this.
What can I do to stop some of my games, including the Fallout demo, (and probably the full versions of both games,) from jumping back to desktop every time I've played them for a couple of minutes?

And in the f1-demo, when I return to the game after that, it has crystalized the graphics, and they cannot be fixed.

Any ideas..?
Well, we have different sub-forums, you know, for technical help and such. This is general gaming, which covers pretty much everything that is not Fallout.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Summon Rosh

*Add +2 to all attack rolls when opponent had "FO:BOS" or "H:TR" cards in play, +5 to attack if both are on the field.

Seriously though both of those games are awful, there are tons of more enjoyable co-op games for the xbox than those two. I'll assume you have Halo 1 and 2, so I'll suggest any of the Time Splitters games. They have their flaws but are pretty fun with 2 players and I think they're all dirt cheap at this point.
Hey,DDD,on an unrelated note,since that card is a creature,shouldn't there be attack/defence at the bottom right? Do that a 40/1 (it's indestructuble :) )
Jack Swift said:
They are both very cheap here, and both are H&S-style and co-op.

Which one should I get?

Neither. While both seem to be around your intelliectual level, I still can't condone money being thrown away like that. Instead, invest in a lobotomy via an icepick up the nose and donate the rest to charity. Please make sure it is a co-op event to make sure the others around you that are similarly undeserving of genetic continuance share the same fate.
Fireblade said:
No using cheat cards. He has no mana cost!

Of course not, on these forums, but unfortunately the following text would also apply:

While 'In Development', may only be cast upon the NMA forums due to time constraints. The crusade to wipe the stupid from the gaming industry can wait another day until another lesson has been dealt. Hopefully, a good one this time. Meanwhile, Rosh has been spending his spare time playing Fallout again, capturing canon directly from the game itself to answer many of the game's core design aspects. This will then be indexed along into the common Fallout 3 topics, to provide a database of common topics and the answers - and what canon has to say about it.
Yes, I love this place already, too. Roshambo, I already have Halo 1&2, Burnout 3, Morrowind, San Andreas and actually pretty much all the good games made for Xbox. So I was just looking for something light to spend some time with.

And you just decided to be a fuckin' asshole. You're such a tough guy, fucking with me over the internet like that, you piece of shit.
Jack Swift said:
Yes, I love this place already, too. Roshambo, I already have Halo 1&2, Burnout 3, Morrowind, San Andreas and actually pretty much all the good games made for Xbox. So I was just looking for something light to spend some time with.

I have to note one thing about the X-Brick titles in question. They, like the ones you have mentioned, are garbage, particularly when compared to real games or real platforms. So if you really can't understand where your questions are a bit misplaced, seeing as those are both Interplay titles, it is simply safer to say that the gene pool is better off without you.

And you just decided to be a fuckin' asshole.

What was your first clue, genius? Here, have another freebie, on the house. Care for another? :lol:

You're such a tough guy, fucking with me over the internet like that, you piece of shit.

Amusing, since you are the one that displays no obvious value towards society, at least not in a sentient sence. Please try to do better than the usual AOL chatroom simpleton, I really have no idea why, even in your own little world, you would think that would impress anyone.

EDIT: Hear ye, hear ye! By royal decree by his majesty, (last name "Swift" first name "Jack") shall henceforth be knownst amongst the townsfolk as "Dumb Fuck", and the heralds shall call it so. Long live Jack Swift...or...err, Dumb Fuck. Aw, hell, it doesn't matter which I type now, it will still read the same. :lol: