Calculon000 plays Shattered Union


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
-Good premise.
-Simple and to the point campaign interface, in a good way.
-Interesting dynamic in how each territory has specific advantages in owning

Shattered Union is the case against turn based combat wrapped up into one game. While I thought the game was pretty neat up until I actually go to attack something, once I get into the combat it does nothing but frustrate me.

Here’s the process I go through every time I try and play it:

-Select units you want to bring in
-Deploy units onto the hexes.
-Move units toward cities
-End Turn
-Watch a few units get damaged/destroyed
-Destroy/damage enemy units
-End Turn
-Watch all aircraft get destroyed by anti aircraft aircraft with no way to defend them using my AA guns because this is turn based.
-Watch my units get raped with artillery
-Kill some more units
-End turn
-Get what I have left raped by uncontested artillery and aircraft.

God damn I hate turn based combat.
"X Plays Shattered Y" threads always end with someone being dragged away by the FBI.

Also, calculon, contest those artillery positions!
Hrmm if Shattered Union is like Advance Wars, I'm in. I love that game, have probably put a good 50-60 hours into it so far. I think there are differences though as Calc said the enemy can attack him and then move off which doesn't work in Advance Wars.