Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners Of The Earth

Mad Larkin

It Wandered In From the Wastes
Anyone been following this? Looks damn promising, i'd say...
And of course, i have read almost every Lovecraft novel there is so i might be a bit biased :P

The graphics look a bit choppy on the screenshots, and i'm highly suspicious of that "hand-system" that was in Trespasser too...
I'm really looking forward to this one, though I'm not too sure how it's going to play - seems like it would be like Eternal Darkness with less combat. Lovecraft is the only author that has ever given me nightmares, and no matter how many stories of his I read they still creep me out. If they can capture even a fraction of that it should be pretty amazing. Any word on when it's going to be released?
Lovecraft is one of my favorite authors. His stories still give me the creeps when i read them, not much can do that anymore.
Damn, it's gotta be good cause I played Prisoner of Ice (anyone remember this one?) and got me scared sometimes :) Seen screens in CD-Action (a Polish gaming magazine- pity that it's too xpnsive today... but it was reeeeeally the best here in Poland) and 'ey were real good (AFAIR it was in 2001).
yah... Prisoner of ice was cool. It had some really freaky parts, like the whole business about ryan's name.
R Yan :p
Ehehe...did anyone see "Beyond Re-Animator"?

It wasn't too bad. Nothing compared to the first film, one of my favorites...Jeffrey Combs is fantastic as Herbert West, though.
Seen it several times... I enjoyed the movie. Thought the hellraiser movies were better though.
That's funny. I was reading H.P. Lovecraft just now, "The Rats in the Walls". Got it in the library this morning. Nostalgia. I used to read this stuff when I was 13 or something. Made me wet my bed. :roll:

Oops! Shouldn't have said that...

Thanks for the link, Welsh. :wink: