Call of Duty Black Ops 2

generalissimofurioso said:
Hey, they've got famous war criminal and conservative commentator Oliver North shilling this game, it has to be something or other.

Maybe it's to show how dark and gritty the game is, getting someone even Reagan thought was a plonker to promote it.
Crap, again. I'm just sincerely hoping that people will forget Call of Duty and move on. Good news is, it turns out sales on CoD are dropping. News spread; people diss Modern Warfare 3.
Sub-Human said:
Crap, again. I'm just sincerely hoping that people will forget Call of Duty and move on. Good news is, it turns out sales on CoD are dropping. News spread; people diss Modern Warfare 3.

I hope so too. Fads die after a short while anyways
Verd1234 said:

Some interesting facts about the game...

If half of this is true, then this might be the kind of evolution needed to make CoD interesting again. I'm interested in the Strike Force mode.
Even hardcore COD addicts I know are going to avoid this like the plaugue.

I see a series dying in that trailer.
Joelzania said:
What's that supposed "sand box" singleplayer supposed to be, anyway?

Choice between sniper support or rappel down and go into the action I suppose. Lots of room to roleplay here.

Yeah.. If you buy into this series then bitch about other companies being greedy, you need to Shut The Fuck Up. Brilliant business model and advertisement campaigning; financially speaking, of course.
Seriously, more than 25 million units sold for the first Black Ops? Checked on VGChartz - appears to be true. Gross

I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the sales volume, granted CGI-heavy movies are nearly guaranteed to explode(lull) in the box office. Oh schmell; the niche market survives, thankfully.
The trailer ruined any chance of me buying BLOPS2. and MW2 ruined the MP aspect of the series for me (though MW3 survival mode was actually really fun). Hell even BF3 is going the route of CoD, thank god I still have BC2.