Call of Juarez : WTF ??


Vault Fossil
Well...the demo is available. The game is not so when I whipped that stupid horse in the groin, the following message appeared :


I failed...I had to start a new game because...I whipped a horse


bwhahaha, priceless. they're going for an 5y+ rating or what?

btw, isn't échap & escape the same key? :?
MrBumble said:
yeah but the second one is "espace", not "escape", and it is the space key in french :)
ahum, i know that actually...

sjeezes, a wee bit too much booze + this weather + dyslexia = wipe-out.

i'll come back when my brain has stopped melting. my apologies.
Thanks, this one sparked my curiousity quite a while ago, being one of the only western themed games availible. I enjoyed Gun, even with it's many flaws, so i hope this is half decent.
Whipping a horse makes the game end? Wow to think of all the games I've played with purposeful or unintended cruelty to animals...they had no penalties for doing so.

I mean...stabbing, throwing, and jumping of a roof with chickens in Zelda or breaking Dogmeats legs so he survives 'til the end .etc.

The Vault Dweller
I remember No One Lives Forever, where killing a monkey would end the mission with the message "Unacceptable simian casualties."
Somehow I always disliked having to kill animals in games, even those hell pooches in Quake et al. which had a nasty habit of gnawing at my legs. Killin' people I have absolutely no qualms about. *Sigh, there should be more games like SoF1.

BTW, I'm replaying NOLF right now and that game is teh shitzky.
Bah....I not only love using cats as silencers, but I also enjoy setting them on fire and through an entire mall to set people ablaze. Then chew through the survivors with my pack of trained attack dogs.

Yeah, I'm talking about Postal 2. In fact, I think it's one of the best FP-RPG hybrids around, even if RWS are a bit warped. :D
I really like this demo. Its fun, realisitic(ish) and whilst its no fallout its nice.

From the demo you can use Pistols, a rifle, a double-barrelled-shotgun, a whip and even throw pewter jugs and crates at folk. True, its soley an FPS, the only dialogue is scripted and there aren't many decisions with consequences (as far as i can see from the demo) but for a Westen thats its most fun i've had with an FPS for a while.

The whole akimbo thing is kinda difficult but also nice and i love the way your guns blow up (critical failures :roll:) when they overheat. The whole horse system is kinda hard - i was jumping off cliffs 5 times in a row but the chases with the Injuns are good.

I'd buy it (when stuff is cheaper :P)
Roshambo said:
Bah....I not only love using cats as silencers, but I also enjoy setting them on fire and through an entire mall to set people ablaze. Then chew through the survivors with my pack of trained attack dogs.

Yeah, I'm talking about Postal 2. In fact, I think it's one of the best FP-RPG hybrids around, even if RWS are a bit warped. :D

I thought it was a shitty game and tasteless to boot. It's tastelessness wasn't charming, just stupid and juvenile. Just my opinion, obviously.
Having recently played FEAR, I was completely turned off the whole FPS thing, but this game looks like it may renew my interest, if only for a while. The style and atmosphere is spot on for a western, the gunfights have a good solid shootout-y type feel, with opponents ducking and dodging, and the Quick Draw system is a really cool method of implementing a western-theme staple.

Then again I've only played the "Preacher" part of the demo. Maybe the other half totally sucks.
SuAside said:
whats wrong with FEAR? (other than being mediocre?)

I don't think it was FEAR's fault entirely that made me hate the game so much. It was just that I realised after playing it for 20 minutes that the FPS genre really has gone nowhere fast in the past 10 years. It just released all of the pent-up anger and disappointment that Doom 3 had left in me, and since then I've pretty much been avoiding any FPS like the plague. FEAR for me is just a prime example of how to make a really, really pretty waste of time.

This one only got my attention because it was a western, and westerns are awesome no matter what. I even liked all 4 hours or so of Gun, just because I got to ride a horse and herd cattle.