Calling Nad02s (or anyone familiar with compassicon.xml)


First time out of the vault
I understand you can remove markers from the radar and keep the enemies. But is there a way to do the opposite??

-Keep markers but remove enemies.

Well, kind of (mine is on 1 any way)...but perception affects a few other things as well. I just hate running away from something and knowing exactly what direction it's in. It's scarier without that marker.

I have another as well. Does any one know if you can edit the jump height?

Thanks for the response.
You can easily remove enemies and keep waypoints on the local map, but I don't know how you would remove the enemy compass markers and keep the quest ones.

Theres probably another file in the Fallout-Misc.BSA other than compassicon.xml that defines what colour the marker should be i.e. whether it's an enemy or a quest.(Red/Green)
I sussed it. The file is hudtemplates.xml..or something like that.

You can actually make the crosshair smaller/bigger using that and you take away the damage indicator and grenade indicator as well the enemey markers.

Another issue that came up was that I had some sever crashing once I had unpacked the files. After about an hour, there was a flash of red text - too fast to read - and my computer reset. I moved the unpacked files and used the original .bsa and no crashes.

Any idea why? Is there any way of stabilizing these hacks by 're-packing' the .bsa?

You shouldn't need to repackage the BSA. As far as I know I have experienced no issues from using a few mods.

The only serious issues I have had have stemmed with messing with the Ugridstoload which is unrelated to any of this.

Which method are you using to use your mod? Have you replcaed the entire BSA archive with all the folders or have you tried the ArchiveInvalidation.txt technique?

Because you don't need to remove or rename your BSAs anymore as long as you do the ArchiveInvalidation thingy.

Well done with finding that file mate :)
Thanks :)

I downloaded your mod and tried to suss out what you had changed to make the enemies stay(to see if I could do the opposite), I unpacked the files and implemented your mod from the instructions in your readme.

I have only unpacked misc, and the invalidate text file is in the directory of the launcher- I have also changed the relevant invalidate command in the two ini files.

Should the invalidate text file be in the data folder or should I be unpacking *everything*, not just misc?

Thanks. Appreciate the help.
The Invalidate file should be in the main Fallout3 folder , and not in the Data folder.

Btw, I just this minute released a minimal UI mod which uses that file you found. I am 90% sure that that file is the solution to your problem.

If you go down to the bottom of that file (hudtemplates.xml) you should see this:

<template name="template_compass_npc_icon_group">
	<rect name="compass_npc_icon_group">

<template name="compass_npc_icon">
	<image name="compass_npc_icon">
		<include src="CompassIcon.xml"/>

or something like that.
I think that is what deals with the enemy markers, or a section just above that.

now, if you copy this section over the bit above it *Should* do more or less what you are after:

<template name="template_compass_npc_icon_group">
	<rect name="compass_npc_icon_group">

<template name="compass_npc_icon">
	<image name="compass_npc_icon">
		<include src="CompassIcon.xml"/>

Just play around with the numbers, the width and height are good for removing something, and if there is no width and height, add one :)
I'm flattered. Thanks. I guess it was a good find.

I have repacked the modded .bsa - however, I didn't change the icon_group to -50. I just left that and changed the height and width of the particular hud elements I wanted removed.

If it crashes again, I will simply use your's from scratch and see if that helps.


BTW, have you, or anyone, figured out how to edit advanced varaibles for the pc, like jump height etc. ?
BTW, have you, or anyone, figured out how to edit advanced varaibles for the pc, like jump height etc. ?

No, I wouldn't know how to go about doing that without the Editor, unless someone can jerryrig the Oblivion one :) But that's out of my league.

One thing I would love to change though is the weapon degredation, it pisses me off :) I would reduce that to about 1/5th or so.