Can a Ghoul get pregnant??

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Just Curious? Mutant are sterile right? Well can a Ghoul get pregnant?? Are they Sterile or not?
Shit... If they weren't sterile, those would be some UGLY babies. And they'd smell REALLY bad.
Less able to withstand the radiation that turns someone into a ghoul, perhaps. Or no more young kids exposed to radiation since the communities prevent them from wandering far.

A ghoul kid of someone who ran away and is living off in the wild would be something interesting, though.
It's probably possible because although the males aare sterile the females may be able to get pregnant with a "smoothskin"'s baby but that would be one wierd person that would want to unless he was being payed 500000000000000caps plus counselling if there are any counsellors alive in the wastes
like if jonny didn't go to them underground folks in the ghost farm but went to gecko instead and turned into a ghoul
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-02 AT 04:15AM (GMT)[p]Imagiane reuniting johny and the parents if he was a ghoul,that would be an awkward moment
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Nov-01-02 AT 12:31PM (GMT)[p]The super mutant scientist in FOT in the mutant base were you get one of the cars is working on an antidote to cure Super Mutant Sterility, but i dont know if this means that both are sterile or if its just the males or the females or what....
oh crap i am now just realising that you are talking about ghouls...
is it the radiation that causes the mutants to become sterile or was it the masters out of mind science experiments that caused it????
Super mutants have less to do with radiation than with FEV. FEV makes them sterile.
Ghouls are humans who have been exposed to FEV - but because they are already irradiated, it does not turn them into Super-Mutants, it turns them into zombie-like freaks... that's why the Super-Mutants were so concerned with finding "prime normals" (humans who have not been exposed to radiation) because the radition corrupts the effects of the FEV, turning a potential Super-Mutant, into a ghoul.

All ghouls & super-mutants are sterile. The males don't produce sperm, the females don't produce ova...they can't have children.
There was a "Fallout Tactics" rendered image of a Brotherhood soldier romantically hugging a female I guess they must have been in love - after all personality comes above looks! (Way way above it in this case!) But I presume they weren't planning to have children...

Yuck - just imagine doing it with a, actually don't!

Please don't...

*BTW Typhon is the son of Set; made into a ghoul as a child, but is an adult in Fallout 2.
So if a ghoulified child’s body can still grow using cell replication then it would be down to reproductive cells and organs not being able to continue normal function after the ghoulification. So you might get a ghoul fetus/baby in a lab setting if you can control for those issues.
The thing about the fallout setting, when it was mostly broadcasted as a 2d isometric sprite-based medium is that the world elluded a sense of utter terror, panic, dread, and existentialism.

In the second game, they put a curly mustache on that.

and they haven't stopped twirling that mustache since.
Reminds me of what happened to Borderlands. That game was atmospheric and desolate that hinted at untold stories really well, but had a twirl mustache as you put it.

The second game brought an entire circus. They did well enough at it though that I didn’t mind.

Same attitude I have with the first two Fallouts.