Can anyone confirm this? (Tommy Gun)

MKSaibot said:
6th page that ive linked, scroll up almost to were someone say's

"The esteemed Mr. J. E. Sawyer himself said there would be a Thompson, so this post is now invalidated."

He didn't give us a link and I haven't heard anything about the Tommy Gun or Thompson period being confirmed.

since this is Vegas in the 50s style, I am almost certain it will have a Tommy Gun, after all New Reno's mobsters did.
they put in m1911s, so i am sensing there are some major gun geeks at obsidian, so asking if a true american classic like the thompson would be in NV I would say, does a bear shit in the woods?
mobucks said:
they put in m1911s, so i am sensing there are some major gun geeks at obsidian, so asking if a true american classic like the thompson would be in NV I would say, does a bear shit in the woods?

Yea were did they say or was it confirmed they put .45's in the game with .45 ammo because I can't find anything on that
You can pretty clearly see the the 1911-style pistols in the trailer, and considering the detail of detail work going into the guns, I'd say they're probably going to be 1911A1's in .45ACP because that's the only thing 1911A1's come in. Not pull some of that Way Of The Gun bullshit where it's secretly firing 9mm.

I'm hoping you can MUERTOGRIP them out like the Hi-Power in that Kotaku article.
Which trailer exactly are you talking about, if its the one I think your speaking of that was a 9mm pistol.
For the 1911 or the Hi-Power?

The 1911 is seen a couple of times in the pile of E3 trailers/gameplay stuff, and the other is up on Kotaku, in an article about weapons mods, and yes, the Hi-Power is a 9mm handgun. But it better be called the Hi-Power because the Hi-Power is fucking sweet.
There is no 1911 in the E3 trailers that is the 9mm pistol shown on wiki

Id like to state this one more time

There are NO 1911's or .45 pistols of any kind shown on any Fallout New Vegas video or confirmed by any source as of the time im posting this. Along with the Tommy Gun
It's a Browning Hi-Power and I'll think you to refer to it as such.

Also, E3 trailer @1:42. Looks like a 1911 to me, and my other gun-nutty friends. Confirmed-schfirmed.