Can save games be 'updated'?


First time out of the vault
Okay, I just found and fixed a major mistake I made on one of my custom weapons, however, the weapon is still flawed when I load my save game. I know the gun will be fine if I start a new game, but is there a way I can update my save game to fix the weapon? I really don't want to start yet another new game....
There are probably some save game editors in the download section, but I wouldn't know which one's work or if any allow you to change your inventory or not.

Easiest way to update your weapon is (if you're in a bunker) to sell it to a QuarterMaster. Then close down the QM barter screen, and then go buy it back, it'll cost you some bos scrip but your weapon should be updated.

Also if your edited weapons appear in maps you haven't visited yet then when you do visit those maps your changes will have occured to the new versions you pick up.
If you're modding weapons, or any entities for that matter, it helps to make a little testing map. Doesn't have to be anything fancy just some floor tiles and your entities, then you can test out your mods without having to load up the entire game.