Cannibals, yay !


Vault Fossil
A BOY of seven was kept chained in a cellar by his cannibal family — as they ATE parts of him

<blockquote>Sobbing Ondrej Mauerova was rescued alive when a neighbour’s TV picked up footage from a camera filming his agony.

He had been partially skinned after monstrous mum Klara, 31, caged him for months while relatives who were also in a sick cult feasted on his raw flesh, an appalled judge heard yesterday.

The mum wept in a Czech court as her evil was exposed in a case echoing the Fritzl dungeon horror in Austria.

Ondrej and his helpless brother Jakub, nine, were kept in cages or handcuffed to tables as they were ritually TORTURED, BURNT and WHIPPED with belts.</blockquote>

The entire article here

i'd hit it!
I hope they kill her. Seriously. Torture (undeserved) is enough to put a person away for life, but to also take advantage of your own children. That's not even touching the cannibalism.

Take a good look at that picture. What everyone should notice is that she doesn't look at all like what you'd want an entity of pure evil to look like. She looks like a normal woman and that should remind us all that everyone is capable of such things and needs to maintain a sense of dignity/faith/morality to keep from descending into such madness.

The Vault Dweller
By killing her we only succumb to her level.

We should remove her fingers and toes and dump the bitch in the middle of Sahara.
Jesus. What kind of animalistic brain disorder would you need to have to look at your own as tasty viddles.

I read this article, wanting to either yell needlessly at the monitor or vomit. I still can't which.

Makes you realize how weak the human mind has potential to be.

Wooz said:
You'd break your hand, those glasses are bulletproof.

They do look like archaic flight goggles made out of triple thick see through Kevlar.
fedaykin said:
Why the fuck do people read The Sun?
Page 3.

Have heard of this case. Did not know canibbalism was involved. I remember when the police were looking for a 13 year old boy gone missing for a while and when they caught him the police issued a statement going something along the lines of "this is confusing, we need some more time to figure stuff out"
A kid being eaten by a cannibalistic cult; thats tragic.

It isn't any worse than the kidnapping/torture/murder that scientologists have commited in the name of their own cult though.

Calling for the cannibals to be executed while ignoring the other dangerous (and infinitely more powerful) cults is silly.
This is one of the most apalling things I've ever read.
Fuck a trial, I'dve fucking Gone, Baby, Goned her ass.

Also, Punisher MAX 44. Don't really want to post the image, but generalissimo knows what I mean...
This made me fucking sick to my stomach.

God damn. I mean, I can't even think straight. It's a mixture of disgust and blind rage.

They need to seriously evaluate the punishment for these crimes, is this person allowed to escape with a mental insanity verdict?

God DAMN. How could someone do this to their own kids?

Nexus6 said:
Also, Punisher MAX 44. Don't really want to post the image, but generalissimo knows what I mean...

Dude, post the image.

That was fucking awesome.

Also, PlanHex...

Deadpool is too crazy to be trusted with something like this. We need someone capable of taking down the entire Marvel universe...
To live in a world with Frank Castle...


Fuck these people. I don't care what mental disorder they suffer from, or how bloody your heart is, they should be ended.
Nexus6 said:
To live in a world with Frank Castle...


Fuck these people. I don't care what mental disorder they suffer from, or how bloody your heart is, they should be ended.

What issue was that from and what's the context?
Mikael Grizzly said:
Nexus6 said:
To live in a world with Frank Castle...


Fuck these people. I don't care what mental disorder they suffer from, or how bloody your heart is, they should be ended.

What issue was that from and what's the context?

Issue 44 of Punisher MAX. Context is Frank Castle shooting some pedo parents.