Can't enter stores


Vault Senior Citizen
I;m playing wasteland and its very funny but a problem occurred.
I can't enter into quartz's emporium and weapon shop of needles.
at emporium, I go to emporium, nothing happens.
at needles, go to counter, shopkeeper says "Don't step over the gun counter or might find your face blown off".
Does anyone knows what's the problem of this?
From my guide:

Because of a PC-specific bug, you should always save (manually or by instantly leaving for another map) after exiting an important shop. If you die, quit without saving or otherwise shut down the game before this, the shop will disappear permanently after you load next time. Note that the game is only saved in the shop if you actually buy or sell something, and not before you leave. If you accidentally sell off a valuable item and can't stand having to buy it back, closing the game while still in the shop lets you avoid the bug. The weapon shop in Darwin never disappears since you don't end up on the shop square when leaving.

You can use file switching if you want to access the shops, though you probably won't be able to get the same inventory you had before, if that matters.
Per said:
From my guide:

Because of a PC-specific bug, you should always save (manually or by instantly leaving for another map) after exiting an important shop. If you die, quit without saving or otherwise shut down the game before this, the shop will disappear permanently after you load next time. Note that the game is only saved in the shop if you actually buy or sell something, and not before you leave. If you accidentally sell off a valuable item and can't stand having to buy it back, closing the game while still in the shop lets you avoid the bug. The weapon shop in Darwin never disappears since you don't end up on the shop square when leaving.

You can use file switching if you want to access the shops, though you probably won't be able to get the same inventory you had before, if that matters.

Thank you :D