Caravan rules revealed

The Witcher did it the right way IMO with its (completely optional) "Dice poker"
As for this FNV minigame I'll reserve my judgment until I have seen how it is implemented in game.

I really like the art on the cards... However, the mohawk girl pisses me off, I'm like "Ew, Bethesda."
K.C. Cool said:
I really like the art on the cards

The art itself is ok but they don't give me a Fallout feeling. If I had seen some of them randomly online I wouldn't have connected them with a Fallout game.
K.C. Cool said:
I really like the art on the cards... However, the mohawk girl pisses me off, I'm like "Ew, Bethesda."

I really like that pic. It pretty much looks like I could imagine someone from the Follower of the Apocalypse.
As other have pointed out, optional mini-games are fine. When they become part of the core gameplay, it usually sucks, especially after you've been forced to do the same stupid routine many times over (Bioshock, Mass Effect).

Agent Provocateur, I mean Alpha Protocol, did a better job with mini-games than most, but it still ended up getting tedious.
The minigame in the Witcher was nice, but a bit flat.
Pazaak in KOTOR was really good, IMO - fun to play and pretty well balanced.

Either way, minigames should hardly be a selling point for the actual game. The developers keep mentioning the gambling factor since forever, but I know I won't be spending much time gambling unless it's required by a quest.

Crni Vuk said:
is there a game that has a minigame in a minigame ?
Let's hope so!
It's not an RPG but I thought the gambling minigames in Red Dead Redemption were really fun to play. I hope New Vegas' ones are like that.
Lexx said:
K.C. Cool said:
I really like the art on the cards... However, the mohawk girl pisses me off, I'm like "Ew, Bethesda."

I really like that pic. It pretty much looks like I could imagine someone from the Children of the Apocalypse.

Actually it's Followers of the Apocalypse (as opposed to Children of the Cathedral). But yeah, her mohawk is a clear reference to FO1's Nicole.
Whoops, that's obviously what I mean. :P

Her whole face reminds me of Nicole. Except that Nicole was blue / green and this one is more red.

But I wonder what that white doc-coat shall show. Arcade Gannon wears the same in the screenshot of him.
AtomicSabotage said:

I wonder who that Kimball character is. Looks like it might say "President" Kimball.

I'm more interested in the asian dude to the far right. Hope there's no chinese remnats ghouls or some other nonsense.

Also funny thing - I just recently got hooked into card&dice games. These computer games have a bad influence on people.
Ausir said:
Lexx said:
K.C. Cool said:
I really like the art on the cards... However, the mohawk girl pisses me off, I'm like "Ew, Bethesda."

I really like that pic. It pretty much looks like I could imagine someone from the Children of the Apocalypse.

Actually it's Followers of the Apocalypse (as opposed to Children of the Cathedral). But yeah, her mohawk is a clear reference to FO1's Nicole.

Ah, you guys are right, I spoke too soon. (Even the quote at the bottom makes sense) I could scrape the bottom of the barrel and say it's not as rugged as Nicole's! ;) For some reason when I saw the pointy mohawk I first thought "FO3 player customization."

As for the art, I appreciate the 1950's treatment. Some of it reminds me of the Van Buren concept art.
Lexx said:
Whoops, that's obviously what I mean. :P

Her whole face reminds me of Nicole. Except that Nicole was blue / green and this one is more red.

But I wonder what that white doc-coat shall show. Arcade Gannon wears the same in the screenshot of him.

Maybe the Followers run a hospital or something?