"Come back over here Kylie! Your meat is cold!"
Her mother shouts from besides the cart filling with pans, foods and some old guns.
"Let her go, she won't get too far and eventually she'll come back when she's hungry"
The father says with a calm voice while he roughly tears off a chunk of meat off the leg of a big molerat with his black dirty teeth. The mother shakes her head lightly and sits down by the fire place, four figures comes to the fire two men and a girl, one of the men dropped his pack of branches on the ground and thops his ass on the fine dry sand, grabbing an Iguana-on-stick, dipping it with some chili sauce with strong smell, so strong it reaches the nose of Dragconor behind a small bush fifty meters away from the campfire, he wonder why would the human like such aweful cooked food, his body curls up and twisted in a way that his torso lies flat on the ground with his camouflage color completely invisble from normal eyes, three more of his brothers are waiting, silently in different spots all holding tactical positions.
A child's laughter and some chatters can be heard by the camp fire. A little longer, just a little longer, thought Dragconor.
Kylie pounced and falls flat on the ground, her hands missed the little lizzard just by a few inches.
Pouting her face with dirts over her tiny body(She's only 10). Supporting her jaws with her hands on the ground watching the lizard sprints off in two legs, it stopped at a rock and looks back, as if taunting Kylie's slow movements. She grabs a small rock and toss it to the lizard when the creature slips into its den with swift agility.
She sighs and rolls over watching the sky as stars flickers brightening her dreams...A loud gun shot woke her, she sits into position and searches for the source, human's screams echos out piercing the silent night in within some foul growls and roars of wild monsters. Her eyes snaps open, she is sure it's not a dream, she runs back to the direction of the wagon and falls on her knee, her basic animal instinct told her to take covers, she rolls over down behind a rock trembling as she watches her father's detached head besides the wheel. Her mother screamed and bursts her SMG with 10mm AP at the murderer, bullets launches into actions, her aim is so well they tears through Karsoak's jaw joint passing right into tendor skins in his mouth and pierces into his brain, the deathclaw warrior doesn't get a chance to scream before his head is blown. The mother lowers her hands in terror tears running down her cheek as she watches the head of her husband, too occupied in past memories unaware of a shadow behind her, Dragconor places his claw insides her belly and grabs her skull with another large hand, he made it short for her.
Kylie can't move, she want to listen to her instinct and run but she can't, her logical mind tells her if she run now the deathclaws' acute perception can pick her up with ease and rendor her one of their meal, she knows her family has no chance to survive she watches the large hunchbacks drags the bodies away leaving long trails of scarlet stain behind. And the young little girl who witnessed the death of her familiy hugging the head of her father sobbing curling up under the wagon.
OOC:Now let's see if I can start anything, anyone arrived the place see blood scatters over the ground with animal claw marks on some detached limbs. A deathclaw's body lying at the back of the wagon with a scrambled head, it is a deathclaw wearing armor
a signature can be noticed on the chest, a claw mark and words crafted under it, it says: Sons of Dragon, and a petagon like tatoo made by sharp objects on its back. The girl Kylie is on the blink of madness with blood all over her face holding a human head.
Her mother shouts from besides the cart filling with pans, foods and some old guns.
"Let her go, she won't get too far and eventually she'll come back when she's hungry"
The father says with a calm voice while he roughly tears off a chunk of meat off the leg of a big molerat with his black dirty teeth. The mother shakes her head lightly and sits down by the fire place, four figures comes to the fire two men and a girl, one of the men dropped his pack of branches on the ground and thops his ass on the fine dry sand, grabbing an Iguana-on-stick, dipping it with some chili sauce with strong smell, so strong it reaches the nose of Dragconor behind a small bush fifty meters away from the campfire, he wonder why would the human like such aweful cooked food, his body curls up and twisted in a way that his torso lies flat on the ground with his camouflage color completely invisble from normal eyes, three more of his brothers are waiting, silently in different spots all holding tactical positions.
A child's laughter and some chatters can be heard by the camp fire. A little longer, just a little longer, thought Dragconor.
Kylie pounced and falls flat on the ground, her hands missed the little lizzard just by a few inches.
Pouting her face with dirts over her tiny body(She's only 10). Supporting her jaws with her hands on the ground watching the lizard sprints off in two legs, it stopped at a rock and looks back, as if taunting Kylie's slow movements. She grabs a small rock and toss it to the lizard when the creature slips into its den with swift agility.
She sighs and rolls over watching the sky as stars flickers brightening her dreams...A loud gun shot woke her, she sits into position and searches for the source, human's screams echos out piercing the silent night in within some foul growls and roars of wild monsters. Her eyes snaps open, she is sure it's not a dream, she runs back to the direction of the wagon and falls on her knee, her basic animal instinct told her to take covers, she rolls over down behind a rock trembling as she watches her father's detached head besides the wheel. Her mother screamed and bursts her SMG with 10mm AP at the murderer, bullets launches into actions, her aim is so well they tears through Karsoak's jaw joint passing right into tendor skins in his mouth and pierces into his brain, the deathclaw warrior doesn't get a chance to scream before his head is blown. The mother lowers her hands in terror tears running down her cheek as she watches the head of her husband, too occupied in past memories unaware of a shadow behind her, Dragconor places his claw insides her belly and grabs her skull with another large hand, he made it short for her.
Kylie can't move, she want to listen to her instinct and run but she can't, her logical mind tells her if she run now the deathclaws' acute perception can pick her up with ease and rendor her one of their meal, she knows her family has no chance to survive she watches the large hunchbacks drags the bodies away leaving long trails of scarlet stain behind. And the young little girl who witnessed the death of her familiy hugging the head of her father sobbing curling up under the wagon.
OOC:Now let's see if I can start anything, anyone arrived the place see blood scatters over the ground with animal claw marks on some detached limbs. A deathclaw's body lying at the back of the wagon with a scrambled head, it is a deathclaw wearing armor