First time out of the vault

Installed fresh Fallout 2 + latest rpu + tweaks + inventory mod
At some point I noticed the music is playing in "slow motion" and sounds quite pitched down. This problem also appears when talking to Cassidy. The audio plays so slowly and pitched down that it is incomprehensible. Everything else seems quite fine, already played for some hours. Tried out changing all sound related entries in ddraw.ini but nothing seems to help. I did change the music to wav and it plays fine now. But Cassidy's voice remains bugged. It seems like some issue with the audio compression or something.
Any ideas how to fix this?
At some point I noticed the music is playing in "slow motion" and sounds quite pitched down. This problem also appears when talking to Cassidy. The audio plays so slowly and pitched down that it is incomprehensible. Everything else seems quite fine, already played for some hours. Tried out changing all sound related entries in ddraw.ini but nothing seems to help. I did change the music to wav and it plays fine now. But Cassidy's voice remains bugged. It seems like some issue with the audio compression or something.
Any ideas how to fix this?