Все умрут, а я волномут
Real and virtual. As of mini game inside of like Triple Triad in FF8 or Caravan (my favorite alongside with Gwent) in Fallout: New Vegas or standalone releases like Hearthstone. What's your drug?
I never really cared for the real ones for obvious money consuming reasons but now playing casually Hearthstone without any decision of investing a single penny (Arena FTW) and aiming for stand-alone Gwent release. It's quite good actually, lot more freedom and tactics involved than original already slick mini game.
TES Legends seems like a waste of time. Maybe as a mini game for Skyrim remaster it could work flawlessly but now it's more of gloomy Hearthstone than an original product.
I never really cared for the real ones for obvious money consuming reasons but now playing casually Hearthstone without any decision of investing a single penny (Arena FTW) and aiming for stand-alone Gwent release. It's quite good actually, lot more freedom and tactics involved than original already slick mini game.
TES Legends seems like a waste of time. Maybe as a mini game for Skyrim remaster it could work flawlessly but now it's more of gloomy Hearthstone than an original product.