CD Projekt Red says Nintendo NX will be fantastic


Wept for Zion

Does this mean Geralt of Rivia for the next Smash Brothers? I sure hope so.

Either way this looks like a very good thing. Nintendo's been having trouble getting 3rd party companies on board with the Wii U while the 3DS has quite a few great 3rd party developers.

Hopefully this means we could see CD Projekt Red as a 3rd party developer for the NX. Which means the Witcher series/Cyberpunk 2077 could come to the NX. Which means Geralt for Smash. All very good things for the future.

It's good that Nintendo's finally doing its best to get some companies on board with its next console, unlike the Wii U where it basically threw it into the market place and said "Hey game developers, make games with this!" with no preliminary workshops or anything like that. I'm glad they're rectifying mistakes.
Still ain't buying a console when I already have a PC. :V

Anyway, he just keeps saying it will be amazing and doesn't actually reveal anything so whatever. Wii was a gimmick and Wii U was a failure, unless there is some actual details and a slew of good games I really don't see the point in being anything but sceptical towards the NX.
Well as the man himself says, he doesn't want to spoil another console release.

I never saw the Wii as a gimmick. Things like the Kinect and the Playstation Move are gimmicks. I thought the motion controls for the Wii was a fine idea and it worked great for a lot of games. Twilight Princess is still my favorite Zelda game because you use the Wiimote to swing the sword around, making it feel like you have full control. It's fun and makes you feel more involved. Plus if you didn't like the motion controls, you could always use a controller for most of the games. The only Wii game I have where you have to use a controller is Wario Ware Wii, everything else lets you use a gamecube controller or a controller hooked to the Wiimote.

The Wii U was a failure yes, but only because it had no 3rd party support. That's why I'm glad Nintendo is reaching out to people like CD Projekt Red this time around to make sure the NX has a 3rd party line up. They're learning from their mistakes.

I'd normally agree with you on the whole "ain't buyin a console cus I got a PC" bit, but I've always bought Nintendo consoles. They're the only company I still buy a console from when it comes out. They have so many exclusive titles you can't get anywhere else that it's worth it. Meanwhile with PS4 and Xbox One pretty much any "exclusives" they get come to PC a few months to a year later. There's no reason to buy a PS4 or Xbox One unless you either can't afford a good PC or you just really like the 1 or 2 true exclusives those systems have to offer, like the Halo series for Xbox. Nintendo meanwhile has like 20 different exclusive titles under their name alone, not including 2nd party developers like the Xenoblade guys.

EDIT: added more to the first paragraph
The Wii U was the first Nintendo console I didn't own since I first got an NES for my birthday in 1988 and it's because instead of using gimmicks as separate peripherals they decide to make them must own, and the proper controller something you have to search for. I played the Wii once and never picked it up again. I tried the Wii U at a demo stand and passed. I really want Nintendo to do well since they aren't trying to be a weak ass version of a PC, but for fucks sake just give me a regular controller, no motion, no tablet crap, just buttons and a sticks.
keep in mind that this might have to do with gwent card games they develop, i dont believe the new hardware will powerful enougfh to warrant witcher 3 port
i dont believe the new hardware will powerful enougfh to warrant witcher 3 port
I believe the new hardware is powerful enough to handle The Witcher trilogy and Cyberpunk 2077 since I made TW3 to work on 2008 PC with horrible GPU only by ini-tweaking, I'm sure CDPR can handle NX.
I believe the new hardware is powerful enough to handle The Witcher trilogy and Cyberpunk 2077 since I made TW3 to work on 2008 PC with horrible GPU only by ini-tweaking, I'm sure CDPR can handle NX.
could u post the screenshot of the graphic result? maybe its still good enough to even beat fo4 graphic :P
could u post the screenshot of the graphic result? maybe its still good enough to even beat fo4 graphic :P

The NX's specs haven't been released yet. They probably won't be for a while. The console's not due out till March 2017, which is also when Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is coming out. It'll probably be bundled with the system.

They actually haven't really told us anything about the NX. I hope they drop some info soon, I'm both nervous and excited to see what Nintendo's new system is. I wonder if there's any possible way for it to be backwards compatible with the Wii U without using the controller? Or make the Wii U controller work for the NX. Who knows?
The NX's specs haven't been released yet. They probably won't be for a while. The console's not due out till March 2017, which is also when Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is coming out. It'll probably be bundled with the system.

They actually haven't really told us anything about the NX. I hope they drop some info soon, I'm both nervous and excited to see what Nintendo's new system is. I wonder if there's any possible way for it to be backwards compatible with the Wii U without using the controller? Or make the Wii U controller work for the NX. Who knows?
sorry @Ragemage , i was quoting about @0wing attemp at ini editing witcher 3 to enhance performance. i wanted to the result of the aftermath maybe a screenshot, to see if the graphic is still awesome or not.
sorry @Ragemage , i was quoting about @0wing attemp at ini editing witcher 3 to enhance performance. i wanted to the result of the aftermath maybe a screenshot, to see if the graphic is still awesome or not.
Not so but it's Velen after all.
Not so but it's Velen after all.
now it looks like canvas painting... :P

seriously, do you remove the swampy feel from velen? maybe it is because post processing and rendering distance
At least tried... Draw distance wasn't the very first performance heart attack hit though.
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