CHA 1 + magnetic personality, can't recruit Cassidy


First time out of the vault
Having played Fallout 1 several times I didn't RTFM before playing Fallout 2. So I made a character with CHA 1, not realizing I wouldn't be able to recruit any companions. By the time I got to Vault City and figured out why I couldn't recruit Cassidy, I didn't want to start over.

I downloaded Falche 2 and replaced one of my perks with magnetic personality, since this would allow me to recruit one companion. However, I still can't recruit Cassidy. Every time I ask him to join me he says that I'm in no shape to lead and the wastes will eat me alive or something.

I have no other companions. I have 10 intelligence. My karma is ~200. I'm not a slaver or a childkiller. According to the Fallout Wiki he should join me but he just keeps repeating the same line.

I do have a reputation as a grave digger. Could that be why? Or because I haven't done enough quests in Vault City? (I just found it.)
Having played Fallout 1 several times I didn't RTFM before playing Fallout 2. So I made a character with CHA 1, not realizing I wouldn't be able to recruit any companions. By the time I got to Vault City and figured out why I couldn't recruit Cassidy, I didn't want to start over.

I downloaded Falche 2 and replaced one of my perks with magnetic personality, since this would allow me to recruit one companion. However, I still can't recruit Cassidy. Every time I ask him to join me he says that I'm in no shape to lead and the wastes will eat me alive or something.

I have no other companions. I have 10 intelligence. My karma is ~200. I'm not a slaver or a childkiller. According to the Fallout Wiki he should join me but he just keeps repeating the same line.

I do have a reputation as a grave digger. Could that be why? Or because I haven't done enough quests in Vault City? (I just found it.)

Could be a bug in the character editor. I suggest increasing your Charisma to 2 (it won't make your character any more powerful aside from the possibility of getting a companion, so don't worry about that).
It might not be related to your party limit, but your ability to convince.
If you have low charisma, some people would outright refuse to talk to you (too ugly) or would consider you as a joke (your lack of charisma don't make you look convincing despite what intelligence allow you to say)

If i recall the game well, lack of intelligence AND lack of charisma are big problems for social interractions. (but good for replayability)
It might not be related to your party limit, but your ability to convince.
If you have low charisma, some people would outright refuse to talk to you (too ugly) or would consider you as a joke (your lack of charisma don't make you look convincing despite what intelligence allow you to say)

If i recall the game well, lack of intelligence AND lack of charisma are big problems for social interractions. (but good for replayability)

I recently played a character with 5 Intelligence, 2 Charisma and 0% Speech but Cassidy still joined me, so he doesn't really care about those stats.
[strike]It sounds like a bug because 1 CHA/2 rounded up is still 1 NPC follower plus Magnetic personality, you should have a party limit of 2.[/strike]

I suspect it's because you have a 1 CHA and the game thinks your party limit is 0. I suggest raising your CHA to 2 and carrying on, of if you want to be fair - drop another stat by one point. Or if you want to simply cheat, pop a mentat and be on your merry way.

Edit - checked the WIKI, if Charisma is an odd number it rounds down so it looks like you're successfully paying for the fact your character dumped CHA.
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Sure but 1/2 rounded down is 0 plus 1 for magnetic personality = 1, right?

I'm curious now what happens if I start a new character and pick up the perk legit instead of using Falche to add it later.
I traded one of 1 END for 1 CHA and was able to recruit Cassidy. Figured the magnetic personality wasn't doing what it was supposed to, but then I was also able to recruit Sulik. So I guess it works?

Maybe recruiting Cassidy caused some value to be recalculated which Falche didn't.
I think it probably has something to do with the engine refusing to add modifiers to a base 0 NPC capacity. It's probably just a programing quirk, I ran into an artificial limit of -95 being the highest negative modifier the game would recognize when I was changing the aimed shot modifier in the ddraw.ini file
Try Sulik or Vic...if you can't recruit either one, then up your charisma by 1 point, or dig up the glasses in Golgotha (New Reno) +1 Charisma.