Change the interface location in SFall.


Still Mildly Glowing
Is it possible to "move" the bottom interface elements (like the player interface panel - the one witch displays in-game messages, current weapon etc.) in F2 (sfall) from the bottom-center to the bottom right?
What? I can't do this. There are maybe 1 1/2 people around here who would be able to do this, but the chance of them actually doing this is very slim. You basically have to find all the coordinates for the interface stuff and reposition it. For that you need to know how to fiddle with Sfall (or hack the .exe directly, which is not a good idea).

My tl;dr is.. forget about it.
That's scripted buttons. Completely different thing than moving existing interface elements.
Sure, but you could make an overlay with new artwork. The most difficult thing would probably be figuring out how to move where the text is displayed for the log panel.
What is HRP?
If You think more intensly on it You'd delete your question and make a facepalm....


it's the so called f2res.dll and f2res.ini along with a little hack enabling it in Fo2 US 1.02 exe made by now demised Matt Wells.
I hope that concludes your thirst of knowledge Quantum ;)

As for the MuleGun or whateva, learn sfall capabilities first before you start shitting the modding thread with series of dumb questions