Changing file sound volumes


Antediluvian as Feck
Is there a way to change the default sound volume of a single sound file without having to raise the volume? I'm asking, because I transferred both .wavs and .mp3s to my cellphone, but it plays them with different volumes. I can barely hear one of them even when my phone's volume is at maximum.
I think you will have to open it in some sound application and amplify it. There's probably some neat little script/program that could do it, but not that I know of.

Free audio editor. Haven't tried it but sounds good. (hah)
One way I know of is to convert the .mp3 file to a .wav then use creative wave sudio to ampify then covert it back to a .mp3. it should play at the desired volume
look for a setting called normalization

its usually set to 100% but generally you want to set it to like 98%

what that does is set the highest mean at a certian point