Changing Perks even the special ones?


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Does anyone know how to implement this?

Bonus move - Rank 1 (No rank 2)

Bonus Rate of Fire - Rank 0 (None, removed)

Scrounger lvl 9 LK 8 1 Doubles the amount of ammo found in random encounters - Rank 1 (Adding from Fallout 1)

Dodger lvl 9 AG 7 (changed from 6) Rank 1,2 (2 ranks instead of 1) each adds +10 to your Armor Class

Toughness - Rank 1 (No rank 2 and 3) +5% to damage resistance (instead of +10%)

Implants Perks - limited to the basic upgrades - 5%


Btw just so you know my programming knowledge about scripting and stuff is none, 0, nothing.

So I don't know where, how, etc. etc. to edit any files.

Is there some perk editor perhaps? Something similar to the f2wedit that lets me change/add weapons, armor, FRM's and stuff?

Something that would be very easy to use?

And then when I'm done with all the changes how do I turn it all in to a mod? Is there some program I could use for that too?

Anyone? I finally wanna finish that mod I'm making. Does anyone know how to modify those perks? And turn all the changes in to some file or files so it can be installed?
i told you in emails,i am not gonna write all of a mod and then have you recieve the credit for it,take a while to learn fo2 scripting,some good posts on the subject,it isnt that hard

and not to mention my custom perks mod has all of those things as settings in the ini file,with exception of disabling fast shot perk(and i sent that file to you already),and the 2nd tier of the implants,those arent hard either

Nirran :roll:
Recon Rover Rick said:
Duuuuude, take a chill pill man. Might take a couple days before someone that knows posts to this. :P

Sadly, I don't know. :(

Sorry, but you have to understand I have spent hours, days working on the new FRM's, also calculating damage received by the player and NPC's. Making every weapon unique in it's own way. With F2 edit I was able to implement a lot of great changes that make the experience more tactical and challenging, but what stands in my way now are 2 things:


2)After implementing all the changes how do I make them in to a mod?

Thanks to sir Nirran I have gotten the Gym Mod that he made for me so that's 1 really big problem less. I wish he would help me finish this.

Or if there was perhaps some programs similar to f2edit that can make some changes to the perks and then export them somehow so someone else could add everything to their fallout without much of a problem.

Anyway thanks for the reply. Hopefully there's going to be someone who can help me.
Double post I know.

Nirran said:
i told you in emails,i am not gonna write all of a mod and then have you recieve the credit for it,take a while to learn fo2 scripting,some good posts on the subject,it isnt that hard

and not to mention my custom perks mod has all of those things as settings in the ini file,with exception of disabling fast shot perk(and i sent that file to you already),and the 2nd tier of the implants,those arent hard either

Nirran :roll:

I never said I wrote the gym mod. I just suggested it, you wrote it. I wasn't ever saying that the mod was made by me only. You have my thanks for making that awesome peace of scripting. It's mostly thanks to you that I keep working. Trying to make the best possible weapon and armor mod.

I have to confess. I suck at scripting.

I don't know what it's about I don't even know how to open up that file....

I never scripted in my life. Where do I even start? I also downloaded your perks, but when I look at them I don't know what to do... Open some file with a text editor?
I got a file named:


And I opened it with a text editor it says:

procedure start;

procedure start
if (game_loaded) then begin
set_perk_name(5, "Bonus Rate of Fire");
set_perk_desc(5, "");
set_perk_ranks(5, 100);
set_perk_level(5, 100);

What do I do with it now?

Would I be able to decrease Toughness to 5%, 1 Rank with this?
Nirran said:
iut already works,put the int file in the data\scripts\ folder


Oh thx.

One step closer thx to the modder guru.

Do I need to do something similar with the other perks?

Like that Toughness with 1 rank and +5% damage resistance instead of +10% and the special implant Rank 2 perks.
I don't know how to use sfall. But alternative is to edit fallout2.exe by some hexeditor and it's definitely worse than sfall.
All I know about perks and engine is from there.

I believe I've figured out where Perks and Traits are stored (though I haven't tested these in-game, so it might all be an elaborate mistake):

Traits: 0x10c184 (Just the location- I haven't looked at them any yet)
Perks: 0x1083cc (15A3A0 in mapper2.exe I believe)

Perks seem to have the following format (Up to Mutate! at least, after that it changes, and then seems to fall apart).
Each perk appears to have the following format:

[00] - ? (Always 0000 0000)
[04] - ? (Always 0000 0000)
[08] - ID (Appears to be ID in PERK.MSG -29)
[0C] - Number of Ranks available
[10] - Required Level
[14] - Stat Modified (entry in STAT.msg - 100) (FFFF FFFF = None)
[18] - Amount Stat Modified
[1C] - Skill 1 (SKILL.MSG - 100) (FFFF FFFF = None)
[20] - Amount for (in % points) Skill 1
[24] - Type*
[28] - Skill 2 (SKILL.MSG - 100) (FFFF FFFF = None)
[2C] - Amount (in % points) for Skill 2
[30] - Req. STR
[34] - Req. PER
[38] - Req. END
[3C] - Req. CHA
[40] - Req. INT
[44] - Req. AGI
[48] - Req. LUC

*- is 0000 0000 unless there are two skill entries (In these cases, it is a requirement I think) , in which case it looks like the entry is 0200 0000 if they are requirements and 0100 0000 if they are bonus (points the character gains). (For the addiction perks, Ranks looks like it is always FFFF FFFF, and the Stat Req. Fields look like they are rather the change applied FEFF FFFF for -2 to the stat, for example.)

There are some problems- some perks are supposed to due more than can be encoded here, for example (Ignoring things that should be purely script based). For example, the Mr. Fixit should have requirements for 2 skills AND add points to 2 skills. In addition once we get past Mutate! / The Addiction entries, then the system appears to stop working as well- there are entries with the same ID's as earlier entries, and I'm not 100% sure all perks are accounted for. I'd guess (But it is just a guess with absolutely no backing yet) that multiple entries for a perk allow for the perk to do more than would be allowed with one entry. (Like the Mr. Fixit). In addition, I'm not sure about the ID- it works perfectly up through the addiction stuff, but it just seems odd to have it to be ID-29.
Oh ffs!!! It's been so many hours and I can't do a thing with this. It's frigging impossible. I have no idea how Nirran did that stuff. He must be some kind of a PC mage because I simply has no idea how can I get this done...

Will someone finally help me? I want to get more some sleep this week.