Character limitations?


First time out of the vault
Am I limited to humans?

Or could I whip up a ghoul with a nice description?

Or maybe even a talking deathclaw? (that would be nifty!)

Of course, all assumed that the chars are RPed according to their races...
Ghouls are fine. My character happens to be a ghoul.

No talking deathclaws, please. That's tacky.

Yes, anything reasonable.
I am a little against talking deathclaws, they were pretty unique to Fallout 2 and were a mess in fallout tactics.

A mutant might work, but you'll have to explain how he got from California to the texas area if you are joining lone wanderers.
coming in?


I'd like to hear what you have planned for a character. There is a character thread here. Why don't you post the character you have in mind and we could figure out how to fit him or her in.
Gunslinger said:
Anything in reason. Maybe a mutant or a guy in power armor, but not a super mutant in power armor. You know?

Then howcome somany people were aginst power armour for my guy ? (not that I planed to have him keep it anyway, I origonaly planed to have him lose power in a battle, making it interisting)
Because the characters and the story have to be balanced. By giving your character power armor and super weapons, the combat balance has shifted. You also have virtually no weaknessed.

But that would work for something like the Kilrick RPG. Here, armor and heavy weapons might be a plus.

But in Lone Wanderers, the characters are generally using light armor- leather or some kind of composite. The weapons are general small arms.

We have had power armor, mini-guns, power weapons, etc. But these have been few and rare instances.

They will also show up again. But the idea is to make it realistic and tricky, give your character more weaknesses and vulnerabilities than strengths. The theme is more like the beginning of Fallout when your character is just getting started and finding an SMG is a bonus.

Again, you need to familiarize yourself with the RP as it is. Lone Wanderers has been going on for over a year now.

There are lots of posts and there has been a lot of commitment to the game. IT is more a cooperative novel than an RPG, and in many ways its the creation built from learning of many past mistakes on RP.

While the players are accommodating to new players, there is a bit of expectation. That you commit, that you write well, that you write good posts and that you understand the rules of the game. We are easy going on a lot of that most of the time. We do disagree but generally we cooperate and work together.

That's why a lof of us are suggesting that you read through the posts (and even past the chapter summaries) to understand what's going on here.

THat's also why we are initiating new Role Plays, so that people who are unwilling or unable to commit to something like Lone Wanderers can enjoy Role Play in a more traditional form.
Hi. I heard from somewhere on this site that stupidly big guns or energy guns are understandably not allowed in a new character's equipment.
I am working on a new character. He's a supermutant who used to be one of the Master's Nightkin Guards. When the Vault Dweller destroyed the vats and killed the Master, my character went mentally numb, wondered the wastes in serach of his Master, and ended up in Texas. Has anyone got any ideas what sort of equipment it would be fair for an ex-Nightkin to carry, or is this just a weird and crazy idea? Let me know what insights you guys have.

Dear Unwashed-

Well in Lone Wanderers we do have one or two mutants, but this is a rarity at best. Not sure if the story could fit another one.

As for weapons- well that depends on the roleplay you are doing. Just because our story takes place in Texas doesn't mean that that another one with heavy weapons couldn't. So its up to you.
Cool. When does the Lone Wanderer take Place? What I mean is, does it take place after the end of Fallout 2 where the Enclave gets blown up, or is it before all that? Is there any room for a Ghoul in the Lone Wanderer, cos I got another idea for a character.
Yes, we have room for a ghoul. But I would suggest reviewing this chapter, the earlier chapters and also the summaries.

Gunslinger- you want to weigh in?
Yeah, Lone Wanderers isn't the only RPG going on in this board. There's Kilrick, hosted by welsh, if you'd like to get into some of that action (it's relatively new). And there's bound to be more RPG's in the near future.

What I'm trying to say is that the Roleplaying Board is for many RPG's not just for Lone Wanderers. The rules that apply to Lone Wanderers may not apply to other RPG's that you join. Basically, it's up to the person who hosted the original material. You know, it may seem like the people working on Lone Wanderers are complete hardasses in terms of what would work but that is only because we're semi-serious about what goes on in Lone Wanderers (it's been going on for a quite a while).

So feel free to do whatever you would like creatively, as long as it falls within the perimeters of the setting of that particular RPG. In one RPG, there may not be many ghouls. In another, everyone might be a ghoul. It varies according to the world you're in.

Currently, Lone Wanderers isn't affiliated with the Fallout titles. There isn't a Master (or there might be, it's just that he's not heard of). It's postnuclear Texas made of a consortium of free towns that work together in trade. There's many affiliations that work to keep the peace (such as the Border Patrol and the Blades) and others that are secretive (such as the Slayers). There's a major lack of heavy-weapons and mutants are a rarity. Ghouls are still around but they are shunned because of their natural looks and their abilities with tech.

Basically, to get more into Lone Wanderers, just read up on the chapter reviews and PM the mod's.
Death claws maybe capable of speech, but nothing so... human. You know like a parrot mimicing speech.

As for Ghouls, super mutants, and well robots, though Robots should be severely restricted.... Pros only.

But the Gms make the rules... They decide if you take a water gun to a energy weapon shoot out.