Characters, the good and bad.

I really liked Utobitha... erm i meant Tabitha and the Black Mountain Radio Station.

But i can't think of a single NPC that was so bad that he really stand out. So overall solid to good writting, i would say.
My favourite characters from New Vegas, and the one who stood out for me, are:

Arcade, Cass, The King, No-Bark Noonan, Fantastic, and even Primm Slim & Deputy Beagle would get a mention in my book for chuckles. I really enjoyed those initial, still-finding-your-way quests. And of course Oliver Swanick and Boxcars, what a crack up :)
I liked Arcade Gannon the most of all characters because his personality is in many ways similar to my own

I also liked Boone because of his sidequest and the shortwork he makes out of pretty much everybody
Bad_Karma said:
I really liked Utobitha... erm i meant Tabitha and the Black Mountain Radio Station.

But i can't think of a single NPC that was so bad that he really stand out. So overall solid to good writting, i would say.
I agree. I found that while Tabitha was fun to listen to on the radio, she became a menacing presence when you were actually on Black Mountain.
Raul, Chief Chenlon, Boone, Cas, Veronica and Elder Macnamara. Vulpes Inculta started with big bang and eneded mech like rest of legion. For me Ganon was to bland I whish they cutt him off instead of Ulisses.
As far as companions go, I LOVE Cass for her sassy, hard drinking attitude and one liners. I have known a few girls like that ;P. And of course, the fact that she's Cassidy's daughter makes her quite the nice reference to Fallout 2.

Boone is a little boring to me, but maybe I haven't found his quest yet, if he has one.

Veronica is a decent character but there is kind of an arrogance about her that I don't like.

Gannon, in my opinion, is a pretty stereotypical liberal douche-bag homosexual with a chip on his shoulder, so I don't like him that much. Hey, I don't care who you sleep with as long as you don't pathetically self depricate, play some kind of victim and lie to me all at the same time. Also, I wouldn't want to go into battle with someone who snarkily says "Uh, ok I guess I'll try" and rolls his eyes every time shit hits the fan.

The others I either haven't found yet or don't have enough experience with to form an opinion.

Yes man is, of course, the popular favorite and for good reason. Being voiced by the great Dave Foley helps.

I thought Ceaser was a great character though so far I've only met him the one time in his camp. He has a cool "will to power" kind of philosophy and some excellent dialogue and voice acting. Also, I like that he doesn't personally take the whole roman shtick too seriously despite being its progenator.

Benny is another good one - at first I thought he might be kind of a standard sniveling villian but by the time I killed him I actually had some respect for the guy.

The ranger chief was very well acted but his dialogue made him seem like kind some kind of half-mystical nitwit at times.

Nothing jumps to mind about another character that I really dislike, but I guess that's a good thing.
I actually like Caesar's Legion. While I wished that Vulpes Inculta stayed strong through the entire game, I think his introduction was fantastic. Caesar himself is a great character. For some reason, I was drawn to his intellectual side, especially because he's also a great Roman enthusiast. On the other hand, Legate Lanius and the Crucifixions in the game were a bit garish and unnecessary.

My favorite human companions are Veronica, Gannon, and Cass, and Raul, because of their character development. Most of all, Raul stayed in my mind due to his ability to narrate his life story.

The NCR characters, with the exception of the Rangers and the 1st recon squadron, seemed extremely flat, especially Col. Cassandra Moore and Ambassador Crocker.

Mr. House, Benny, Yes Man, and Victor were all highly memorable.

Todd Howard should do like the NCR and suckle at Fantastic's teat (what an awkward bit of dialogue...)
I found Veronica to be very likeable but a bit too "cutesy" so to speak. But I gotta say, her quest was very well written. Felt genuinely sorry about her at the end.
And glad to see the BoS being the real bastards that they can be sometimes.
Veronica was annoying at times...only had her for the BoS Questline and in the second playthrough i didn't pick her up at all because [spoiler:4394e5bea4] i wanted to destroy the BoS for House anway but didn't want to feel guilty about murdering her family and the "in your face" welcome when you first visit the BoS bunker without Veronica gave my character a reason to blow the "arrogant assholes" up[/spoiler:4394e5bea4]

I prefer Cass over any other NPC. Whiskey Rose is great, her lines are funny and man, shes the Daughter of Cassidy - basically the Chuck Norris of FO2.

Second is Arcade. I like Sarcasm.
I know this is bumping the thread, but i have to give a shoutout to Cliff Briscoe, i chuckled when he complained that no one buys the T-rexs, and when asking about Benny, he tells you that he didn't buy a t-rex. haha.