Checking other people's computers


Antediluvian as Feck
Is there a way to check if someone has done this to you without being a hacker or a nerd or something? The reason I'm asking is that there's this Swedish organization that blow record and movie company
cock, and try to check people's connections and hack into their computers. They're not allowed to do this, as they're just an organization not attached to the police in any kind of way. But they do it anyway, and it's illegal.
If your software firewall is even halfway decent it should have a log of every incoming and outgoing connection to your computer and should list the general type of incoming connections, so you could check that if you're really paranoid. I wouldn't worry about it though, if some inept movie industry employed "hacker" was able to get into your computer specifially for that purpose then your firewall is so useless that you would already be filled to the brim with viruses and god knows what else, so if you were vulnerable to this sort of thing you would know already.

I really doubt they've done this to anyone, btw, more likely it's just that a few meatheads have gotten a scare-tactic email and fallen for it then went blabbing to everyone that they got hacked.
the easiest way to check one people is checking their connection, not the content of their HDD.

with the help of your internet provider they can nail your ass to the wall. without the help of the provider, the evidence probably wont hold up in court.

to check the content of a harddrive you'd need somekind of spyware. either delivered by intrusion or by incorperating it into software you installed (like the shit included with Kazaa & such).

checking the connection is already an invasion of privacy really, but checking the content of a harddrive would leave em open to endless lawsuits. they cant use it in court.

windows has a hidden archive that logs every file on your harddrive, every file downloaded, every file viewed & so on. stuff like that could easily be sent to MS servers to look if you use illegal software, warez & such. they dont use it for the simple reason that it doesnt hold up in court.
Would be cool if I caught them checking my HD, so I could sue their asses. They already reported me to the Uni once by checking my connection.
Dude. Common wisdom here: Don't use other people's connections for your own nefarious purposes. Use your own. Simple as that.
are you using (easily) traceable software? FTP's, Kazaa, Soulseek, Lime, etc are very easy to trace, torrents on the other hand is a lot more difficult.

what did you use & how much volume did you leech? you usually need to pump a lot of volume to get the attention of such organisations...
I used eMule, which is kinda like Kazaa, but I'm switching to torrents. I leeched practically nothing, like 6 gigs, yet they reported me, like the little fuckers they are. Kinda funny, if you compare to the terabytes everyone else at this Uni is downloading (with DC at that).
Isn't it rue that the court of law will never consider evidence that are obtained illegally.(No matter how obvious) By that i mean if evidence is obtained by hacking then it will not be allowed to be used as evidence in court. do correct me if this isn't true
as i said, where i come from, "hacked" info cannot be admitted to court. however, connection & traffic information can be used, if it is backed up by the ISP (or owner of the connection if it isnt your own).

basically they can isolate your ip using Kazaa, eMule & such. with that, they can monitor your traffic, identify the transfered files & contact your isp.

however, there is a work around... if someone transfers the information to them, without them knowing the source, it MIGHT be admitted. ofc if there is reasonable doubt of foul play it will be ignored in court.
The Overseer said:
It won't go to court, but it can get me expelled from the Uni.
The only thing I would recommend you to do is to move your computer to your real "home", to your parents, assuming you are a student with parents, and download it from there, copy to a DVD and via the DVD bring it to your student lodge. And then just use them there, and if they detect this, you won't lose anything cause it is illegal to search your computer content, and as such the isn't a problem for the university.
Lord 342 said:
Dude. Common wisdom here: Don't use other people's connections for your own nefarious purposes. Use your own. Simple as that.
As I sayid in another thread, it is sometimes hard to know where the line is drawn, between what is yours and what is theirs. Because if he pays to have the connection to the student housing, he doesn't know that that it isn't his, it the student housings, which is under the universitys government, and as such a target for a HUGE lawsuit if catch sponsoring the downloading of illegal programs. And the university has no option but to expel(with in a reasonable time line and pla pla pla) a student that has been reported of to be doing such.
I was almost expelled last time. My parents live like 2000 km away, not exactly a stroll down the street.
The Other White Meat

The Other White Meat

And better than yours, too! Amazing.

Stand tall and insist on WORLD STANDARD ENGLISH!
Accept NO substitutes!
BE that candle in the darkness and we will groom your persona to cult leader dazzle!


English is my second language too!

Mah muth'a tung is a common domestic blend of unfiltered regional dialects. The suthurn cadence projects the stately pace of typin' wit' won fingur. While i was in radio range of the CBC I acquired the minty freshness of Canadian vowels, and under that heady influence i kin ramp up to the blinding rhetorical rhythm of typin' wit' toow fingurs.

To be more thread specific, what stock pile, what miser's hoard of entertainment dupes is worth university discipline?
Unless it's relevant to your major, public relations maven, hedge fund witch doctor, pirate, or lawyer.
Still, bureaucratic judgments get blurred with time.
The 'rebel' gets tar brushed as thief.

Tattoo THAT on your forehead an' liv' large wit awl da gangsta's!

Or, cull the clutter out of your life now and be in shape for throwing out the boxes of impedimenta that loom in the silent collision with middle age.

[Think I left da spell check-ah shak-ah under this pile of 1980's radio cassette dupes ... or was it over by the reel to reel's of late '60's KMPX ... wait, no maybe by the SE/30 ... ]

Ok 4too, I guess you could just say I'm a kamikaze fatalist extreme. If I go down, the school is going down with me, however.
In Like Flynn

In Like Flynn

So this is the part of your hero's journey that you tell your parrot and crew how high the stakes are and how higher the odds with a dash of Queen-King and country thrown in as a legal loop hole ...

[Insert commercial break here ... still lookin' fo' mah spell check-ah and gramma' rattle to proof this post to Ratty's high World English spec's ... ]

Sail on!
