Chef is Dead!


Antediluvian as Feck
Well, sort of.

Really, it was coming, and it was in the overblown method that Trey and Matt reserve for good Kenny deaths. Since the creators don't care as long as people see the show, and if you were in a region where it was on cable you might have already seen it or will see it tonight on the re-air, so for those not able to otherwise you can watch the episode here.

It is pretty well-known that Isaac Hayes is in the Cult of Scientology, and to speak out against the cult is A Bad Thing in their eyes, a "suppressive act" (as if their cult isn't suppressive enough in its own litigous way). Even to mock it as Hayes has helped in mocking other religions, including Christianity more than one occasion. Only when it hits Scrotumtology, the religion of licking Ron Hubbard's sweaty nutsack fiction so it could make him rich and loved, does Hayes pull out the bigotry card.

Funny, I didn't think it was bigotry to ridicule everyone. In fact, it would be bigotry to NOT include everyone.

So, in essence, it seems like Chef's VO didn't learn a thing from "Chef Goes Nanners", when he was upset about the South Park flag and was trying to get it changed, saying it was all about race. You know, where he was so caught up in his personal feelings that he couldn't see everyone else's point-of-view. Now that his cult is in the crosshairs, he goes crying, and there's even rumors that Tom Cruise won't promote M:I 3 if Viacom allows Comedy Central to show reruns of "Trapped in the Closet".

Hey Tom, I don't care if the movie is never shown, as I know it will suck balls like almost every self-adulating piece of shit you've made. So the episode divulged more of the OT III fiction.


*waits for the Scientology thought police, the Sea Organization led by Terl, to see this*
The BBC article.

You've got to love South Park's controversy and kicking everybody in the nuts for fuck's sake. The fact that Hayes started to bitch about religous sensitivity when they made fun of *his* religion is completely ridiculous.

I really love how they completely buried him this latest episode, especially with the cutting up of old sound bites to make Chef say things. "How about I meet you boys after school and we *make love!*"
And, the best thing of it all, is that it was done in true parody fashion nobody can really touch, but everyone knows whom they are talking about now.

And, for those who missed the episode that mocked Tom Cruise and L. Ron Scrotumtololgy in general, here you go.
Scientology is a cult based on a sham. Funny how folks buy thta crap... I mean its total brainwashing dish water.
hahaha, that episode was hilarious... made me wish i still had cable. on that note, i have 37 days left in alaska. only a few more weeks left with internet access.
Hurrah! Maybe they will bring back Mr. Durp now!

Your Savior --->
Hi-Fucking-Larious. Only when it's HIS Ox getting gored does he give a shit. I firmly believe that you've gotta be able to laugh at yourself before you can laugh at anyone else. Fuck the scientologists.