Chernobyl photos

The_Vault_Dweller said:
SERIOUSLY! They look like one of the plants in Xen you see while playing Half-life...

Speaking of Half-life, compare these buildings to the ones in City 17.


City 17 (half-life2):

Bradylama said:
Didn't all Eastern-Bloc countries have buildings like that?

That's true. A lot of those pictures remind me of my old neighborhood in Belgrade. unfortunately i don't have any photos from there at all. It's amazing how many of my posesions i left behind. I've been told that if i came back there now, i wouldn't recognize anything since a lot of modern-looking buildings have been added. Also, like in the photos, there were a lot of trees and even small forests around those old buildings. Now, i hear, the forest has been replaced by a shopping mall, and all the trees are gone. I can't even imagine it.

The screenshots from HL2 i posted were particularly interesting to me because they have the same color scheme as the buildings in Rusty's picture.