Wins the World Series of what? I'm not up-to date on worldwide sports events.
Every single Sox fan I know is a prick.

Seriously, if one more person starts giving me attitude about the fact that I am not a hardcore Sox fan then I am going to officially declare myself a Cubs fan just to piss them off. I don't even like baseball, but I really want to spite them.
Tayl said:
Every single Sox fan I know is a prick.

Seriously, if one more person starts giving me attitude about the fact that I am not a hardcore Sox fan then I am going to officially declare myself a Cubs fan just to piss them off. I don't even like baseball, but I really want to spite them.

Tell them you love the Yankees. That will show them. Or get you killed here in the Boston area, but whatever. Either way stupidity is averted.
Oh the irony. Not only does this "World Series" not happed globally, but nobody not in America even knows what sport it is.
[PCE said:
el_Prez]The most annoying fans are boston fans.

I concur. I find getting worked up about sports in general is absurd and stupid.

It is baseball Mikey, godamn. A Google search would have said that in 5 seconds or less.
By the Ratty, it's a shame Jesus didn't use a MG-42 that was mounted on a Lafette 42 tripod.
Yes, it sure is.
Kotario said:
A pointless event with a pointless outcome.

With fans who are much too loud. Celebrating, though they contribute nothing to the effort, all which only serves the purpose of breaking them out of the mediocrity that defines their life.

Is that a nihlistic tendency talking or what?

EVERYTHING is pointless when you get down to it. It's the things you find pleasure from and the purposes you derive for your own existence that matters.
Petition to rename this thread 'Chicago wins "world" series, o rly?'
Funny they did not use that tripod when I were in the navy. I have to suggest that they use it if i'm in on a reptition.
How did England do?

Baseball's like Rounders, right?

Only with chewing tobacco and (like all (North) American sports) too much protective gear.