

Half-way Through My Half-life
I need Lasik eye surgery to correct my nearsightedness. Any interested Opthamologist please contact me. I am trading one chicken per eye.


That is not a chicken... it is a full grown hen.

And i didn't take LASIk for my miopia. I don't trust this enough...
So, this is a parody of a politician in Arizona who is suggesting that people barter with their doctors to bring down the cost of healthcare, trading chickens and the like for heart surgery or general medical care.

This is the level of intellectual discourse in America today. Proud to be one these days.
So, this is a parody of a politician in Arizona who is suggesting that people barter with their doctors to bring down the cost of healthcare, trading chickens and the like for heart surgery or general medical care.
This is what happens in my country in the countryside!
Cool. Rural Rumania is just like Fallout's Wasteland, then.

Our doctors only take cash. Lots of cash.
Doctors in the city take cash of course. It's some kind of small bribe, to make sure one gets the full doctor's attention.

In trhe country side peasants think it is appropriate to reward the doctor for his services with farm products. However, for some doctors this reward is 'compulsory' and it is given before the service. Call it a bribe.
Irony at it's finest:

The far right-wing tea partying anti-healthcare reform socialist-hating Republican in her primary bid (for John McCain's Senate seat no less) is proposing using a bartering system to negotiate health care prices in a method just like Europeans use in rural socialist-loving areas.

Politics really is a circle. Anyone who thinks it's a line has clearly never seen a tea party patriot.
It's not socialist loving rural areas. It's just dumb loving rural areas.They never cared if fascists, communists or democrats were in power. They lived the same lives.

Doctors, priests, veterinarians and sometimes the village teachers got some 'products' from peasents, in exchange for their services because in the communist era, people that didn't own animals in the country side, had limited access to fresh food. Those customs are still in place now in some places.

Priests are a special case: they got "payments" no matter what. Even before communist era. All the time.
Funny. Someone did the math on it.

Total U.S. health care costs in 2008: $2.3 trillion
US population: About 300 million
Average cost of health care per person: $7,681
Average weight of a chicken: 5.9 lbs
Market price per pound: 85 cents
Average spot price per chicken: $5.02
Average number of chickens per resident needed to cover health care costs: 1,530 chickens
Total number of chickens needed to cover United States health care costs: 459 billion chickens
Estimated worldwide chicken population: 16 billion chickens
Current worldwide chicken shortage to cover U.S. health care: 443 billion cluckers

Kinda fun though. "I took seven years at medical school and it was worth it since I can get chickens and livestock through the job!"
But let us not forget that a plump chicken should be worth more then a mildly plump chicken. Who is to regulate the worth of a chicken?
Dirk Magirk said:
But let us not forget that a plump chicken should be worth more then a mildly plump chicken. Who is to regulate the worth of a chicken?

Jews probably. That's why instead of chickens i propose payment in pig sausages. Let's see them try taking over the system now!