First time out of the vault

It's a super realistic space combat game where you can build your own ships and modules. Anybody who played KSP and wanted to design their own custom rocket engine from the fuel mixture to the materials and speed of the turbopump should check it out, there's a massive amount of materials and sizes to try for every part of every module. You can build a coilgun out of calcium (It's actually pretty good for cheap, lightweight guns), make a banana ship with potassium armor (Not effective), and fire nuclear missiles as a payload from a sufficiently large cannon (Not sure if it's effective, but who cares, it's awesome). So far my best construction is a frigate with 2000 mini drones, 10'000 point defense micro-missiles, 1000x 10 kiloton anti-ship nuclear missiles, and a 42 megawatt laser. It's a lot less huge than it sounds.
Screenshot album of aforementioned creations:
Steam page:
Screenshot album of aforementioned creations:
Steam page: