Chinese Secret Nuclear Submarine base!

Hahaha~...what? we are not allowed to travel?

Where you live, I'll invade your home immediately......

Of course, give you a phone call first, and with some flowers and beers~haha
As my grandpa used to say:

The Chinese are so many they could take our country armed only with bats and clubs...
Gunner of SHi- dude, you need to work on your English skills. Really, you sound terrible. Now while I respect that fact that you're struggling with English and this is an English language site, you're writing is rather unclear and fragmentary.

Brother None said:
Good old reliable communist-paranoid welsh

Funny- I don't see the CCP as communist, but as facist. Facist paranoid- yes.

If it was communism, I wouldn't be worried because that system is bound for bankruptcy.

As for China- a country with increasing income disparities, over 450 Million people living on less than $2 a day (a number higher than it was a decade ago)- and a country that engages in sabotage, espionage and outright theft in the US.

Fuck China. Or more honestly, Fuck the CCP.

I have been to China, I didn't like it. I have Chinese students in my classes, many of them children of communist party members, who are afraid to speak their minds. SOme are there only because they managed to cheat on exams and get away with it- because as they told me- its the results that matter, not how those scores are made.

I hope one day the Chinese people wake up to the tyranny they live under. I also hope that the Chinese people overthrow the CCP. Because until that day comes, China won't be what it can be.
Welsh said:
I hope one day the Chinese people wake up to the tyranny they live under.

That's all fine and dandy, but who would profit from that?


I don't see the CCP as communist, but as facist. Facist paranoid- yes.


Welsh, Fascism was supposed to be at the opposite spectrum of Communism. The 'only viable solution' against it, so to speak. An authoritarian (or in this case, semi-authoritarian) state does not always equal a fascist state.
I quite agree Wooz.

Fascism is a government, faction, movement, or political philosophy that raises nationalism, and frequently race, above the individual and is characterized by a centralized autocratic state governed by a dictatorial head, stringent organization of the economy and society, and aggressive repression of opposition.[1] In addition to placing the interests of the individual as subordinate to that of the nation or race, fascism seeks to achieve a national rebirth by promoting cults of unity, energy and purity.

Isn't that China?

But what is a Facist state- a state in which you have a single dominant party, often with a strong central dictator who manifests a regime based on super nationalism, strong socialist intervention in an otherwise capitalist economy, strong control over ideology, a willingness to use repression to destroy those who oppose them? A ruling class that is willing to use repression against the lower classes to prevent them from rebelling, yet promotes a closed hegemonic system around a small elite ruling class, upper and middle classes?

We can't call China a communist state as the economic system is no longer communistic.

Yet it maintains many of the vestiges of a politically authoritarian state with many of the vestiges which appear very fascist to me.

Certainly the CCP may still be a "communist party" but that is in name only.
welsh said:
It's kind of like the Secret Nazi sub base in Raiders of the Lost Ark!

Those Crazy Chinese!

It's simple - they want to have a small place to service their submarines without anybody knowing what's moving in/out and if it has any rockets (or how many) on-board - so they put it underground. Apart from that, any "secret underground base" is obsolete in the age of precise nuclear weapons (nothing can withstand an almost direct hit from a weapon in megaton range) and publicly available satellite images - just think how accurate must be the military ones, because Key Hole produced such images twenty years ago.
welsh said:
Gunner of SHi- dude, you need to work on your English skills. Really, you sound terrible. Now while I respect that fact that you're struggling with English and this is an English language site, you're writing is rather unclear and fragmentary.

Brother None said:
Good old reliable communist-paranoid welsh

Funny- I don't see the CCP as communist, but as facist. Facist paranoid- yes.

If it was communism, I wouldn't be worried because that system is bound for bankruptcy.

As for China- a country with increasing income disparities, over 450 Million people living on less than $2 a day (a number higher than it was a decade ago)- and a country that engages in sabotage, espionage and outright theft in the US.

Fuck China. Or more honestly, Fuck the CCP.

I have been to China, I didn't like it. I have Chinese students in my classes, many of them children of communist party members, who are afraid to speak their minds. SOme are there only because they managed to cheat on exams and get away with it- because as they told me- its the results that matter, not how those scores are made.

I hope one day the Chinese people wake up to the tyranny they live under. I also hope that the Chinese people overthrow the CCP. Because until that day comes, China won't be what it can be.

Welsh dude( I learn 'dude' when you call your friend)~Thank you for you can still read my terrible English.
What commy, capitalist, paranoid is~I don't care, you should know I just talked about your view point to China, not your personality.
And you make just one right understanding, don't see the CCP as communist~only.

To your piont either this time:
0---Welsh:‘Funny- I don't see the CCP as communist, but as facist. Facist paranoid- yes.’

A: Should I call US is a country constitutes with two facist parties that no metter which party on the lead, US still invade other countries as facist? Did Chinese kill your family as facist? When they didn't hurt you before, you hostile to them, and describe them as facist with American tought--- Only American politics is the best, if you are not, you are US what you call it? Freedom?
Did you not see how many people here hate facist? You hurt their feeling and shitting my home as facist home, did I fuxxed your home before? So what's trouble you? Friend?

My view point is no metter how many parties and what party one country has, people work happy for a better life and don't attack other country, it's a good nation indeed. I like American for they are not attacking us with forces don't hurt the feeling between my American freinds and I.

1---Welsh:'As for China- a country with increasing income disparities, over 450 Million people living on less than $2 a day (a number higher than it was a decade ago)'

A: If put 1300 million people in your country now, can your government guarantee the other over 450 Million people living on more than $2 a day? Even America get higher GDP. The Chinese government done it, let the 450 million people need not to pay their taxes, and increasing our salaries more and more, you can see our GDP grows 15% each year and our dayly imcoming
depend on this, 'increasing income disparities' compares to US, it's nothing. No reason to overthrow this good government.

2.---Welsh:'...... and a country that engages in sabotage, espionage and outright theft in the US.'

A: Sabotage, espionage and outright theft ......yes, as you said that seems US never done those or good at those things, right? You said yours, but I don't know these things as you believe your country either.

3.---Welsh:'I have been to China, I didn't like it. I have Chinese students in my classes, many of them children of communist party members, who are afraid to speak their minds. SOme are there only because they managed to cheat on exams and get away with it- because as they told me- its the results that matter, not how those scores are made.'

A: Haha~ didn't you see many good Chinese students? Oh, you know in China bad teachers always lead bad students......sorry, you may be not bad teacher, just bad luck to meet the bad students. Thank you once worked in China to contribute to the education, we always welcome you if you like China later. I'm a teacher either, but of course not teaching English~haha. I didn't see many bad students.

4.----Welsh:'Fuck China. Or more honestly, Fuck the CCP....'

A: Friend......the bad students really made you mad~some time children really let man get headache. Calm down, go to China again, to my city for tourism, you'll feel good.

5.----Welsh:'hope one day the Chinese people wake up to the tyranny they live under. I also hope that the Chinese people overthrow the CCP. Because until that day comes, China won't be what it can be.'

A: You tyranny your government (which only two parties)first please, give me an example to show what US won't be what it can be...... don't talk with personal anger man, have a deep breathe, feel better now?
Hi~I'm gunner, a happy Chinese guy, nice to know you.
They did in my school.

Last time I checked, I didn't live in China.

Unless it's an elaborate Chinese ruse to convince me I'm an unhappy American!

I got many American friends, yes~we got differnt points on the politics some time, but they didn't insult us with words. They are still my friends.

Every country survives and lives in this world has it's special. Their differences make world more beautiful. We respect their differences. And all of us can live in peace.
Wow, here comes another one. What happened to that last "Chinese" guy that tried this? The guy that was supposed to be studying in England?

Typical ignorant Chinese reply about questions of the outside world and China, so nothing to see here, move along.
Hi~!Starseeker ( you always nick me like that~haha :wink: ) and...NukeCoke ( wow~your English should be better than mine :shock: ) my friends~haha~hey guys, I'm not here to have discussion really, or show my terrible English.

Just as you saw, I practise on my English skills.
Hahaha~ how's everything going in China? 8-)
a take-away with FISH,TOU FU and Potato

sells 0.7 US dollar.

so i got enough money to buy meself an iPhone by the help of


my friend~

it's good, isn't it? =)
gunner of shi said:
Welsh dude( I learn 'dude' when you call your friend)~Thank you for you can still read my terrible English.

Dude is a good word. But avoid the funny squiggle. No one gets what that is supposed to mean. Use a period to end a sentence, a comma to end a phrase. If you need to use a dash - like this- then use a dash. Squiggles just don't make any sense.

What commy, capitalist, paranoid is~I don't care, you should know I just talked about your view point to China, not your personality.
And you make just one right understanding, don't see the CCP as communist~only.

Communism is an economic ideal, poorly implement every where it has been attempted- but we are basically talking about a non-market economic system in which the state has complete control. Do you have that in China? Not really- so not a communist system.

But you do have significant state intervention- so a highly socialised system? Yes. But not completely so. Sorry Wooz- this is not totalitarian in the Soviet Union sense.

THe virtue of this is that it allows the government significant ability to directly intervene in the economy as it choose.

In some ways the Chinese system is neo-mercantilist.

Which helps explain why China frequently intervenes to keep its currency inflated as well as why it exercises policies that maintain a large population of low-income labor.

Low income labor is necessary for many labor intensive industries, otherwise those industries would go elsewhere and exploit cheaper labor surplies (for instance in Africa).

Maintaining a cheap labor supply requires repression of lower classes (but wait- communism is supposed to reward the working classes). To do that, the ruling class- in China's case the CCP- fosters a policy of developing hegemony by promoting economic growth. But economic growth is enjoyed by only a portion of the population, and in fact is denied to a large mass (all those poor bastards making less than $2). To keep those people down the government uses repression as well as cultivates a nationalistic ideology. Meanwhile the wealthy and middle class (that probably means you gunner of shi) exploit the poor and grow wealthy.

Had a democratic system existed, than the lower classes could hold the ruling class accountable in elections.

Needless to say, the CCP won't allow that. Or even other ideologies that might challenge its legitimacy to rule.

A: Should I call US is a country constitutes with two facist parties that no metter which party on the lead, US still invade other countries as facist?

To begin a conversation- there must be concurrence on basic concepts. So, might as well look to wiki.

The US is not a facist country as it lacks a dictatorship or even the corporatism necessaray for facism. Rather, in the US people can vote and overthrow the ruling party in regular elections- thus holding politicans accountable.

You don't have that in CHina unless you happen to be a party member, and then, its limited. But hey, it could be worse. Used to be that party members got purged, taken out and shot.

Last I heard, nether the Republicans nor Democrats were shooting party members.

So there's a big difference.

As for the invasion of another country- You mistake imperialism with facism.

Imperialism can be also understood as a foreign application to a mercantilistic, or neo-mercantilistic agenda. The US has generally been anti-imperialistic (it supported the de-colonization of much of the world and there was significant opposition to US imperialism in the Philippines in the early 1900s) and supports a more liberial world view, we can perhaps understand why many Americans oppose the war in Iraq.

Did Chinese kill your family as facist? When they didn't hurt you before, you hostile to them, and describe them as facist with American tought---

Given that I haven't had any family killed by the Chinese, I am not sure where you are going. That the Chinese have killed Americans is without doubt. You did come to the defense of North Korea. You did support the Vietnamese during the Vietnam War.

But I would not call the Chinese facist- but rather acting on behalf of what the Chinese felt was their national security interests.

Only American politics is the best, if you are not, you are US what you call it? Freedom?

First I didn't say that nor have I drawn such an argument. YOu are making a number of logical fallacies. I will let you figure out which.

But to address your point- Is the US political system superior. Yes, in my opinion. How do we define what is best? For me, it rests with the rights of the individual- are the individuals subjects or citizens. Citizens require rights that are protected by a legal system. Subjects have what rights the ruling class allows.

Let's assume that all ruling classes are the same- CHinese- or American it makes no difference. If so, ruling classes exist to rule- to take political power and to acquire wealth for their class. Given that, ruling classes tend to be predatory unless contained. This leads to what Michael Mann would call "despotic power." There have been many states with this kind of power- Absolutist France, Imperial Spain, the Soviet Union, China.

However, under some conditions the ruling class is constrained from being predatory. It must enter into compromises and agreements with other social classes to rule. As such it must trade off some of its coercive capacity and rule by consent. To extract rents from society it must trade off services. This is what Michael Mann calls infrastructure power. England has great infrastructure power, as does the US.

Where despotic power is weak and infrastructure power is strong- you have bureaucratic-democratic states- Western Europe, the US
Where despotic power is strong and infrastructure power is strong- you have authoritarian states- the USSR, China, Nazi Germany.

Given a choice, I would rather be a citizen than a subject, and rather live in a state where the ruling class is constrained rather than one where its not.

SO yes, the US is better than China.

Proof- in the US low-level workers can vote out those in power who have failed to improve their lives. In China, the poor are essentially stuck.

Did you not see how many people here hate facist? You hurt their feeling and shitting my home as facist home, did I fuxxed your home before? So what's trouble you? Friend?

Free speech, Gunner. You jumped into this conversation. Free speech means that ideas matter. And political ideas are among the most protected, because the exchange of ideas is important. It does not mean that you won't be offended or that some of the ideas are not offensive. But it is those ideas that sometimes matter most. They exist for you to consider.

It frequently seems that the Chinese think that if you insult China, you insult them. This is, afterall, nationalism and in China nationalism is often ethnically defined. Am I insulting them?


Afterall, its you guys who have sustained your political system. And your political system sucks.

Generally, I don't have a problem with the Chinese- but I do have a problem with those who are merely apologetics for a system that exploits and abuses hundreds of millions of its own people.

My view point is no metter how many parties and what party one country has, people work happy for a better life and don't attack other country, it's a good nation indeed. I like American for they are not attacking us with forces don't hurt the feeling between my American freinds and I.

I recall on 9/11 Chinese tourists visiting the US applauding as the Twin Towers fell from the sky.

There are plenty of Chinese nationalists who sustain grievances that go back hundreds of years when China we exploited by imperial powers. Yet, they blame Americans and Europeans for things that they, personally, were not alive to have been party too, for sins they did not commit. Why? Because nationalism is a means of keeping groups organizeds and manipulated.

Do I hate the Chinese? No. But I don't like your political system or what it represents. Why do I hate it? Because I see what it does to the Chinese and what the Chinese could be- and there are a lot of Chinese that I like.

1---Welsh:'As for China- a country with increasing income disparities, over 450 Million people living on less than $2 a day (a number higher than it was a decade ago)'

A: If put 1300 million people in your country now, can your government guarantee the other over 450 Million people living on more than $2 a day? Even America get higher GDP. The Chinese government done it, let the 450 million people need not to pay their taxes, and increasing our salaries more and more, you can see our GDP grows 15% each year and our dayly imcoming
depend on this, 'increasing income disparities' compares to US, it's nothing. No reason to overthrow this good government.

Good government? Good government allows rougly 1/3 of its population to live on $700 a year? And a significant portion above that is not doing much better? WHile a small group manages to enjoy much of the wealth.

See- there's the problem- China has been growing at rates of around 10% a year yet the amount of people living in destitution has increased. That's a big warning sign that things are not right in China.

Normally when that happens the number of people living in poverty decreases. Unless economic growth is enjoyed by a small portion and denied the rest. That's not development, its exploitation. And a government that supports the exploitation of the mass for the enrichment of the few is not a good government.

WHat you have in China is a government that allows a few people to do well. Hell, its not surprise that most of my Chinese students happen to be children of the Communist Party. Why? Because they get to enjoy the spoils of your system. So while a few people, by virtue of their party membership, becomes rich, the rest stay poor?

SImple problem- you have economic growth matched with growing economic inequality and poverty. So who is getting the fruits of that growth? Why isn't it being shared? Why is the number of poor Chinese growing?

2.---Welsh:'...... and a country that engages in sabotage, espionage and outright theft in the US.'

A: Sabotage, espionage and outright theft ......yes, as you said that seems US never done those or good at those things, right? You said yours, but I don't know these things as you believe your country either.,9171,1027457,00.html

What the Chinese can't make, they steal.

A: Haha~ didn't you see many good Chinese students? Oh, you know in China bad teachers always lead bad students......sorry, you may be not bad teacher, just bad luck to meet the bad students. Thank you once worked in China to contribute to the education, we always welcome you if you like China later. I'm a teacher either, but of course not teaching English~haha. I didn't see many bad students.

Actually I have had good students. But that was years ago. I haven't had good Chinese students in quite awhile. I have had great Vietnamese students, great Korean students and generally great foreign students.

The difference is a matter of ethics. In China it seems the students are rewarded for results- but not how they got those results. In the US you still have to work for it- its a matter of merit.

4.----Welsh:'Fuck China. Or more honestly, Fuck the CCP....'

A: Friend......the bad students really made you mad~some time children really let man get headache. Calm down, go to China again, to my city for tourism, you'll feel good.

Dude- the only reason I would go to China again is to show my wife the Great Wall and to see Xian, perhaps take a river cruise. I would rather spend my money elsewhere. It's the CCP.

5.----Welsh:'hope one day the Chinese people wake up to the tyranny they live under. I also hope that the Chinese people overthrow the CCP. Because until that day comes, China won't be what it can be.'

A: You tyranny your government (which only two parties)first please, give me an example to show what US won't be what it can be...... don't talk with personal anger man, have a deep breathe, feel better now?

You know, two parties is better than one. At least with two, there's a choice. And actually there have been more than two parties in the US and are now. CHoice, its a good thing. YOu should try it sometimes.

The benefit is that if the government is full of crooks, you can vote them out of office. To bad you can't really do that in China.

Hi~I'm gunner, a happy Chinese guy, nice to know you.

Well gunner, if being a member of the CCP makes you happy, good luck to you with that. Be even more happy that its not the old days when Mao used to have party members shot for being too bourgeois or counter revolutionary.
Wow, your dissertation......that so long.....really challenge my poor English.
You know that's the longest reply I've ever got~ ...but I read most of it, I admit, some of your point is sound with reason, good, I don't think you are hostile to us now, yes~ that's the right way you speak your point with dissertate and examples and some other realistic things to your point, not just said I hate XXX, fuxx them,etc. But I won't go on the main topic, or I'll put longer dissertation, and you put longer and longer...... wow, I get many realistic things to do, like making mod for NMA people, I won't waste much time on practising my English~ and talking is really can not change the world, say nothing of this game forum.

I make shorter reply here:
I'm sorry to hear that you saw some Chinese (you were sure them are not other countries?)applauding as the Twin Towers fell from the sky, when 9/11 happened, I was a young boy in the school, all my friends and my family members began to hate terrorists~not just there were also some Chinese officers dead in the tragic, we believe no one should kill American people like that. Terrorists are threaten to all the world not only America. That's what I saw in China, on Sep 11, 2001. I really can't forget that day in China, everyone shocked~at least, from humanity, no one feel happy see people die. So, trust me, most Chinese sympathize with you.

'That the Chinese have killed Americans is without doubt. You did come to the defense of North Korea. You did support the Vietnamese during the Vietnam War. '----- Welsh

Think about that if at that old period 1950-1970, imagine Soviet Union attacked Canada or Mexico, what America would do? Even Soviet put some nuclear missiles in the Cuba, you two nearly costed a nuclear war for that. So you can understand why you attack Korea and Vietnam, we must help them, for you pushed us to do make a war in our backyard, not mention China was in the Soviet system at that time. And I want to ask you why US jump in Korea war and Vietnam, they bothered you? You fight to others all over the world even today. If China like you attack any countries for whatever bullxxxx reasons in the world, we would have met terrorists hit our towers either.

Mate, talking over, I'm glad you can show your view point logically with theory, no metter what we talking about, it's a good discussion and useful to our intercommunion. thank you. I go for modding now , bye bye, good luck. I'm not a party member yet~ dude
WOW...."dudes",(...should i add an "S" or not to cater for the rulez of US?)so much Political Science you discussed heir.

i am glad to see people showing so many concern over the situations in China..

if you hate the political system of China,then hate it...
just one drop add into the ocean..
Blakut said:
As my grandpa used to say:

The Chinese are so many they could take our country armed only with bats and clubs...

Holy fuck, that's the truth. The entire freaking continent would probrably run out of ammunition before the Chinese even BEGAN to Zerg-Rush our asses.

That's their problem. There are simply too many Chinese. No one can breed that much. They should... well, just die. In fact, 70% of their people should die. Why they need that much people anyway? Human Zerg-Rush?

Also, that Secret Chinese Nuclear Submarine Base pratically asks for a "Final Boss Here" tag.