Ausir said:Er, he did?
Well, technically not. It took lots of other people to "do FNV," too. MCA was only one of the leading writers and a senior designer.

Ausir said:Er, he did?
Ausir said:Er, he did?
Seems like we need some pics of MCA "doing FNV" or it didn't happen.
Ausir said:Well, I wouldn't say he "had no say", since even when he wasn't a designer, he was still Obsidian's creative director and had lots of input.
C2B said:Ausir said:Well, I wouldn't say he "had no say", since even when he wasn't a designer, he was still Obsidian's creative director and had lots of input.
Yes, but he didn't design the elements that made FNV better than F3.
On the whole team (non-additionals) he was probably the guy that contributed the least amount of stuff. (Both Eric Fenstermaker and Travis Stout did Area Design aside from Writing) Granted, that also has to do with Ulysseus beeing ripped out of the game towards the end of it but still.
Giving Avellone the credit here (aside when you specify his actual contributions) is wrong.
LinkPain said:But what was here to design if they had no designers plan or someone to direct the way FNV is going to be. Or the game world. Playing with 3D models is always easier than to make an actual functional plan how the whole system or the game should work and not end up brain dead. Saying that he did not have to do anything with FNV is the same as saying he had to do everything. But I do wonder what would FNV turn out to be if he had no part in the makings.
lmao said:I completely agree with Avellone's answer regarding Fallout is a lot of fun to explore. I love the music, as's a little amusing to me how nostalgic I feel whenever FO3 music starts playing in FO:NV