I have been hearing about this sect of Christianity call Dominion Theology. Has anyone else heard about this. Among the rumors is that these Christians feel that since the end of the world is coming we might as well "use up" the planet. Another rumor is that they believe that the second coming will come when Christians exert dominion over the world, converting secular institutions to christian purposes.
Now, I admit, I don't know much about these folks so am willing to hear from those out there that might want to advocate their cause. But this sounds a bit like the way Islamic fundamentalists want to control the state.
And while I might not buy the Clash of Civilizations argument from Sam Huntington, these whackos seem dangerous to me.
Anyone else?
OH and yes, these folks are currently in positions of high office.
For more on another potential group of crackpots.
Now, I admit, I don't know much about these folks so am willing to hear from those out there that might want to advocate their cause. But this sounds a bit like the way Islamic fundamentalists want to control the state.
And while I might not buy the Clash of Civilizations argument from Sam Huntington, these whackos seem dangerous to me.
Anyone else?
OH and yes, these folks are currently in positions of high office.
For more on another potential group of crackpots.