Christmas gaming list

A nice spreadsheet organizes everything perfectly for a quick copy/paste.

Space Rangers 2

A Nintendo DS
Advance Wars: Dual Strike
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Trauma Center: Under the Knife

Shadow of the Colossus
We Love Katamari

Not really too much out there that I am interested in this holiday season (my book list is much, much longer). Since I have Gothic II Gold, that leaves hardly anything on the PC.
Gothic 2 Gold
Civilization IV
Shadow of the Colossus

That's about it. Oblivion would have been on the list too if it didn't get delayed.
i keep hearing about this space rangers game... what is it? All i can ever think of when i hear it is power rangers... is it a new power rangers game!?
Kotario said:
A nice spreadsheet organizes everything perfectly for a quick copy/paste.

Space Rangers 2

A Nintendo DS
Advance Wars: Dual Strike
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Trauma Center: Under the Knife

Shadow of the Colossus
We Love Katamari

I shall now judge your list on content and form.

Actually I just wanted to say that Space Rangers 2 is a great great game, although I didn't realize it had a whole lot going for it in the English department. But then, I didn't know they even made a version of Hammer and Sickle to sell to an unsuspecting public, let alone in English, and there it is.

Also add Battles of the Prince of Persia to your DS list.

Carry on.
Ah, forgot to add Hammer & Sickle to the list. The demo is still sitting on my desktop unplayed, but I liked Silent Storm and Sentinels so much that I know I'm going to buy it regardless.

@Wooz: I've heard too many contradictory reports about Civ 4; as many people say it's great as say it sucks, so I feel like I can't dismiss it until I've actually played it.
I think what my list indicates most is that I am a sucker for quirky Japanese games. Of course, it's just my wish list; all I'm likely to end up with is Shadow of the Colossus and Space Rangers 2.

SimpleMinded, read Dhruin's RPGDot review of Space Rangers 2.
Probably no games for christmas. I already got 4 for my barfday, which was on the 22nd.

Space rangers; an RPG? Looks more like an RTS. And the developers seem to have copy/pasted most of their English from an Instant messenger.

I mean, is professional translation really that expensive?
Spore looks interesting, though based on my past experience with all things Will Wrighty, I'll probably buy it and get bored a day later.

As for Gaming list, mine is very DS-y.

Advance Wars DS
Mario Kart DS
Warioware Touched
Mario and Luigi DS

(I'm interested in others including: Kirby Canvas Curve, Bomberman, Castlevania, Animal Crossing, The pending Final Fantasy 3 and Children of Mana, Trauma Center and Ace Attorney but well, I'll save them for later i guess :))

Combat Mission 2 and 3
Civilization 4
Warlords 4

Katamari Damacy, We love Katamari

Eternal Darkness
Pikmin 1 and 2
Paper Mario
SimpleMinded and Kotario said:
Mario Kart
Warioware Toucher
Mario and Luigi
Paper Mario
Katamari Damacy
We love Katamari
Pikmin 2
Those titles are so gay that just reading them out loud would make me grow a pair of boobs.
Ultimate spiderman (which i have and im waiting for my new computer to run it)
Indigo Prophecy
Battlefield 2

If i get bored with any of those (not bloody likely) then ill try out F.E.A.R.
Ultima 10
Dark Reign 3
guild wars chapter 2

not nesseccarily in that order though.
Space Rangers 2
Arcanum (again)
Syberia 2
Grim Fandandgo (for the umpteenth time, it's just so good!)
Monkey Island series
Sam and Max
Resident Evil 4
Metroid Prime 1/2

Yeah, I'm mostly going adventure gaming this christmas. Been a long time since I've played some decent adventure games.
Ratty said:
SimpleMinded and Kotario said:
Mario Kart
Warioware Toucher
Mario and Luigi
Paper Mario
Katamari Damacy
We love Katamari
Pikmin 2
Those titles are so gay that just reading them out loud would make me grow a pair of boobs.

I've got 1.34€ right here saying you already have some.

My list : none.
Games absolutely suck nowadays. Last game I've bought was Black&White 2, and I still curse the day I wasted 50 of my hard earned euros...

Seriously, Quake IV must be the lamest FPS since... well, since Quake III. Not only is it abysmally boring (like all first person games nowadays), but it is also completely redundant (because one year after the release of Doom III what I *really* need is a game identical in appearance and gameplay) and sporadically amazingly ugly. Doom III engine may be capable of the most advanced visuals in the history of gaming, but all that technology means zilch when art is flimsy. But that's okay, because Raven Software's flimsy art complements nicely with their flimsy design and Activision's flimsy morals. In the end, it is flimsy consumers who digest this flimsy turd of a game.
Call of Duty 2 (I'm sorry in advance)
Operation Flashpoint : Elite ( Simply becuase the pc version does not like my new gpu)
The Movies (Again, sorry)
Tony Hawks 15 (I just fancied it really...)
Civ 4
Gothic 2 Gold
Starship Troopers (I have to try it out, no matter what)
Civ 4 (same as above)
Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddlers Green (Braaaainz)

Ratty said:

Seriously, Quake IV must be the lamest FPS since... well, since Quake III. Not only is it abysmally boring (like all first person games nowadays), but it is also completely redundant (because one year after the release of Doom III what I *really* need is a game identical in appearance and gameplay) and sporadically amazingly ugly. Doom III engine may be capable of the most advanced visuals in the history of gaming, but all that technology means zilch when art is flimsy. But that's okay, because Raven Software's flimsy art complements nicely with their flimsy design and Activision's flimsy morals. In the end, it is flimsy consumers who digest this flimsy turd of a game.

Yeah, and it looks like crap on PCs on which Half Life 2 looks gorgeous.

But, you know, it's fun for a few minutes and it has Peter Stormare...
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Starship Troopers (I have to try it out, no matter what)
Civ 4 (same as above)
Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddlers Green (Braaaainz)

All of these games have downloadable demos, y'know.