'Twas on the N64, hence the lack of public knowledge.Hellion said:Anybody ever played "Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time"? I keep hearing how great a (Console) RPG it is, but personally I learned about its existence about a week ago...
'Twas on the N64, hence the lack of public knowledge.
The last 3 final fantasy games: 11, an MMO. none of the above apply here. 12 (they call it x-2, but screw them): extremely non-linear, and I don't think it was end of the world ( I didn't play this one, my fiancee did). 13 (12, about to be released in japan, I guess): a new and non-ff type combat system, apparently.TorontRayne said:The bad new is FF isn't fun anymore. I don't plan on playing the series until they revamp:
1) The tired ass combat style that has existed since I was born.![]()
2) The same old "end of the world" malarky.![]()
3) The linear gameplay. With games like Baldurs Gate,Morrowind,and Fallout, who wants to play a straight forward story. No story branches, no character development, no multiple endings.![]()
This must be fixed or I will never play another Square game again. Where have all the good RPG's gone? KOTOR, Jade Empire, FF,Kingdom hearts...... WTF?! These games can be beaten in under 20 hours! Come on. Does anyone feel my plight?![]()
while you could make any one character into anything, it wasn't practical to make every character everything (like you can do in 7-8 ). Also true of 10. (my fiancee filled in the entire damned sphere grid)Lazarus Plus said:I always thought that Final Fantasy V was really good, because despite (and because of) the job system that basically (eventually) makes the characters interchangeable, they always have unique personalities. The story was really "out there", too.
(Giant Tree?!)