Church goes Isometric: Bibleman ActionRPG

I love, how Christians never manage to make anything other than a hate-game :D .

I wonder what's going to be next...
A Nazi-man fighting against the Eternal Jew?

A Zionist-man fighting for NWO?
We are now finished producing our first of many video games featuring Bibleman and the Bible Adventure Team!


Your mouth does speak the truth.

Gonna try the demo. I'm curious if this is true. And it has the potential of being very funny.

I wonder what's going to be next...
A Nazi-man fighting against the Eternal Jew?

Not quite, but in Journey of The TimePilots you can fight against a Nazi-man to save the poor Christians.
I had no idea the Nazi hated Christians. :roll:
Hah food for one means starvation for another! Watch out Bethesda!
This has got to be a joke... If I was a militant atheist, this is exactly the game I'd make... 'Cept with more terrahrist muslims and j00s.
Heh :) .
It explains why some religious psychos want certain games to be banned - they really believe that games are indoctrination tools, not entertainment.

FeelTheRads said:
Not quite, but in Journey of The TimePilots you can fight against a Nazi-man to save the poor Christians.
I had no idea the Nazi hated Christians. :roll:
It depends which Nazi - Christian Nazi probably thought that they are defending Christianity from Godless Communists and Jews That Murdered Jesus.

The Nazi elite were Pagans and Occultists - I suspect they hated Christianity on mere basis of it's origin.
No, next up is game by Iran who features an Iranian scientist being kidnapped by American forces on a pilgrimage. And you (the Iranian Hero) must save him from the 'evil' -eh- Americans, and -eh-jews... (actually it is Israeli soldiers...)

I'll see if I can dig up a link...

I couldn't find a link to the actual news about this game, so here's a comment from water cooler games instead:

It's called 'a taste of our own rhetoric'. (you can maybe guess why??)
I don't know why, but things like rating games for appropriateness just scream "sect!" to me :look: ...
That Radman should change his name to RabidChristian.. And should have an av of a priest foaming at the mouth. "True Patriot"? Geez this dolt probably wants a resurgence of The Committie of Unamerican Act which was disbanded in the late sixties when Congress decided that no one person should decide what acts are American and what acts aren't.
aries369 said:
No, next up is game by Iran who features an Iranian scientist being kidnapped by American forces on a pilgrimage. And you (the Iranian Hero) must save him from the 'evil' -eh- Americans, and -eh-jews... (actually it is Israeli soldiers...)

You mean Orient the Game?
Yay!! Another crappy game about religion. Nothing against religion, but damn the Left Behind game was bad enough. They made baby Jesus cry with that one.
are you guys serious? you haven't heard of Bibleman???

he's been around for years, at least since 2001 when it was just him

he's got live action shows, action figures, the whole lot!!!

I stumbled upon his site back in 2002 through a poorly worded google search, i was researching religon in comics, and his site came up.

this game looks horrible....
Brother None said:
aries369 said:
No, next up is game by Iran who features an Iranian scientist being kidnapped by American forces on a pilgrimage. And you (the Iranian Hero) must save him from the 'evil' -eh- Americans, and -eh-jews... (actually it is Israeli soldiers...)

You mean Orient the Game?

No, sorry :(

I mean this game:,2933,289508,00.html

The game is called 'rescue the nuke scientist' and is being developed by hardcore iranian students (who don't seem to have much imagination when it comes down to naming games...)

However, the Orient game, brother none linked to above, seems to be very interesting and could be quite good...