
A bit too overdramatical for my taste. And the dragonborn music in the beginning doesn't make it much better.
I thought it was pretty good. Showing the human side of Anonymous. It helps to be American to get the full concept, but the same problem is happening on your side of the pond, too. I dunno where I'm going with this, other than to say it wasn't bad. [/needs_sleep]
other side ?

Not in Germany at least. Not yet. Also the kind of "regulations" they might talk about happen already for years. Not just since yesterday. Regardless if Europe or USA. THe Internet was never completely "free" space. People just didnt knew all the time if they violated any laws if they posted something inside a forum.
Anyone using the symbol of a Christian fanatic to represent anarchy should not be taken seriously anyhow. Yes V for Vendetta was a cool film but FFS this is as bad as claiming to be an anti-capitalist while wearing a Che Guevera T-shirt bought at Wall-Mart.
I'm sorry, but I have to politely take issue here. I see that sentiment (regarding Anon and Guy Fawkes masks in general) parroted all over the internet, and it's really starting to wear on me. Ignoring the fact that V for Vendetta was a far more nuanced comic before it was a thinly veiled American political allegory and that most non-Brits wouldn't even be aware of the irony of Anon using Fawkes masks for symbols if it wasn't for a few snarky humor sites pointing it out, it's still kind of a hollow point to make.

Most of the holidays celebrated in the western world today bear almost no functional resemblance to their actual historical roots. Handshakes and toasts, by some accounts, were originally just as representory of mutual distrust as they were of fellowship. At one point, the swastika was a sacred emblem of good fortune for cultures the world over. Symbols have whatever meaning the people at large charge them with, no more or less. It seems sort of finicky to take issue with a group over what they choose to represent them.

As to the content of the message itself, the man doesn't seem to be saying anything particularly groundbreaking or powerful, but he's not wrong on any given point.
Symbols have whatever meaning the people at large charge them with, no more or less. It seems sort of finicky to take issue with a group over what they choose to represent them.

True, but in this case the reference is hardly obscure. Just a quick google will tell you everything. And that fact it has been done before doesn't make it a-OK now. I am not outraged or anything, it just seems either hypocritical or ignorant is all.
Yamu said:
As to the content of the message itself, the man doesn't seem to be saying anything particularly groundbreaking or powerful, but he's not wrong on any given point.
Obviously. Because the statements are so generic that they are more or less true.

Like: Many americans are fat! And thats not good!

Thats correct of course. But is it ground braking ? Hardly.

I would agree with anyone who is saying that many things are not working correctly and that the people should try to change it. But how ? Well. It seems no one has found any answer to that yet. Particularly if someone might have the opinion that the politic as whole is useless.
I thought for sure when he took the mask off it would be stephen hawking.
the movie does not convey the specifics that the comic does from the detailed review i read.

in it V admits that he is a terrorist and what he does is immoral and extremely destructive and causes well-meaning and possibly innocent people to die.

has anonymous admitted that they are terrorists and in any shape or form admitted or accepted that their actions could end up causing deaths?

and just FYI, the swastika most closely resembles the wheel of life from the hindu religion. the remarks from where the guy got the idea for the swastika admitted he was greatly inspired by it. look at a swastika and the hindu wheel next to each other and the similarities are huge.
that dude's lucky black people are to poor to get on the net or they'd be all lmfbao.