Civ sold eh?


Carbon Dated and Proud
So it seems the Civ franchise was sold recently:<blockquote>Bonnell also said that Infogrames recently sold the franchise for the game "Civilization," making a capital gain of 15.5 million euros, which should help second-half accounts.</blockquote>Hmm, any thoughts ?
Who did they sell it to, first of all?

Second, Civ is a great game, and one of the few games Infogrames did a stellar job on (though nothing to compare to Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri). I would like to see a Civ 4 with a bit cleaner battle system and the like. I fail to see how barbarians with stone axes kill a Panzer.
Uh, Fireblade, Civ III, just like Alpha Centauri, was developed by Sid Meier's Firaxis Games. Infogrames only published it. Alpha Centauri was published by Electronic Arts.

Though Civ III can't compare to the original Civilization, which Sid Meier developed while working at Microprose. As well as Pirates!. And Colonization. And Railroad Tycoon. Dammit, why doesn't Microprose exist anymore? They made so many awesome games that they would give any self-respecting gamer an instant boner.
And don't forget Fields of Glory, Masters of Orion, Worms 2, X-com, Elite, Darklands... sweet Lenin's Ghost, why don't they make games like that anymore?
Roshambo said:
One word. Hasbro.

Oh, and then later, EA.

Yeah, fuck EA, but that doesn't tell us who Civilization was sold to.

And my personal favorite was Civ 2, the first really deep strategy game i played, and a good influence on the fact that i'm enlightened enought to hate winning eleven these days.
How the hell do you beat Civ3? I had no problems with Civ2, but when I turn up the difficulty to medium in civ3 I get pwned in like 3 turns. I really have no idea how to expand, it takes ages since it takes like 4,000 years to build a second settler. I always have to play on easy, which sucks, as the AI is bent over and just inviting me over for an assrape party in their capital.
yeah... Civ III is a hard game

I usualy play it on the third level (which is 'regent' I believe), but I usually get creamed by the industrial age. I did beat it a few times though. I really all hinges on your starting point. But I know what you are saying about the easier level also being too easy.

Still Civ III is a fun game, even with its flaws. I think basically it has cheats built in to the harder levels that allow the other civs to jump to a more advanced level of city developement and tech if you get ahead too far. either way.....

It would be kind of interesting to know who it was sold to, but the sale itself probably means that we will be seing Civ IV some time soon since nobody spends that kind of money unless they mean to do something immediately.
The Civ games so far have all been gold in my opinion. A new publisher/developer means uncertainty in the quality of the next in line, but in my opinion it is just as likely to be better as anything else, so lets hope.....
Im not sure about the Civ series, having never played it, but if its anything like Empire Earth or Age of Empires the AI has a built in cheat function, basicly allowing it to build units and buildings and research tech for a MUCH lower resource value than required for human players................
I bet you in the next civ game will have all fancy kinds of 3d graphics, and we'll get to see our cities from first person perspectives, and it will be like gta, in that we'll get a huge free roam, but have to follow missions from the drug boss to do anything of meaning!
In Civ 3 the biggest enemy to my tanks was pikemen. Oh how many tanks have I lost to pikemen......
Well, civfanatics posted some scans from a PC-game story on civ 4, apparently it's still being developed by firaxis, so i hope this selling thing doesn't impact the game much (tough the screenshots looked UGLY)

and calculon, i usually lost my tanks to longbowmen, once i had a army (3 units combined) of german panzers get whooped by two longbowmen... but to be fair, they WERE on some hills... maybe my tanks fell from a bridge or something.
The Civ 4 screenshots really do look ugly, but at least they are claiming no longer shall Spearmen destroy an armored column. In theory this wont stop Polish cavalry from attempting the same feat.
Could some post a linky to a site with these "ugly" screenshots please?

I'd like to see them myself.
Thanks for the link.

Ok, so judging on this, it's going to be CIV 4: the animated series.

Seriously, these screenshots resemble fallout POS on so many levels.

Can you tell the difference?

Series-ruining cartooniness:

Series-ruining cartooniness: (It's all so bright and shiny!)

This is undeniable proof that the Civ series has undergone a process that I like to call "Losing it's way". Why does this happen to everything good? The Alien movies, Fallout, and now Civ.

Is Sid Meier going to have his name on this one too?
I loved Civilization...

Civ 3 sucked damn hard...turn 10 on the hardest mode had my people starting a second city whilst the enemy rode into my capital with chariots! O.o

Damn those medieval re-inactors! I once lost two squads of infantry to one party of medieval infantry! Nerds...

Civ 4 looks bad Calculon...

(wields a yo-yo against a tank),
The Vault Dweller
The_Vault_Dweller said:
Damn those medieval re-inactors! I once lost two squads of infantry to one party of medieval infantry! Nerds...

Bawha! I may or may not know those people.
I've got that issue of PC Gamer... I'll see if I can post some of the info from it...

K here we are... first off, the game is headed by creator Sid Meier unlike Civ 3 which simply bore his name.

It's been entirely written from scratch with every part of the core gameplay reanalyzed.

Modern 3D engine that allows you to zoom smoothly from global view to single city.

Highly moddable.

Combat system revamped... now tanks wont get beat by pikeman, can use enemy roads, and units gain experience/abilities to fight better against certain enemies.
Will include new features like world religions and great people that affect entire empire.

Multiplayer is definitely included.