Climate changes


First time out of the vault
ahem id like to keep this new Fallout as traditional as possible (sorry for my previous threads) but still have new aspects in them without throwing off the Fallout ultra-realism.

So I say climates! like 5 month winters due to global warming, where player character is required to wear warmer clothing due to extreme cold, and extremely hot summers which player character is required to wear looser more fitting clothing or risk stroke.

Also for this new feature there should be a thermometer in the pip-boy so the player character can check what the temperature is at a quickly throw on a molerat parka or lighter leather armour.

Of course this would be somewhat eliminated by substantially better clothing ie: power armour, but would still be a task that new must characters face.

Also these seasonal temperatures can change depending on player character's location, like if he is in northern region than the cold season would be an extra month or so.

Last of all, there should be an area completely unaffected by Radiation, blast or heat and still has grass, meadows and fresh water, it could be in the form of a special encounter or village. Can call it Utopia or something.

*keep in mind I am not trying to offend anyone :)
As long as they remember to make the climate unstable and fucked up, maybe.... There shouldn't be any balance in the "seasons" at atll. It should affect rain, snow, lighting, but having to change clothes according to weather would suck bigtime, reminds me of the Sims.
Possibly instead of being required to change clothes, just have a "risk" of having a stroke or having hypothermia. Kind of like radiated or poisoned in the previous first to games, sure you can take RadX but you don not need to.

I agree with you fucked up climate suggestion though, acid rain would surely be a risk to the player character.
With every addition to a game you don't need to think about the realism it carries, but about what it will contribute to the overall game experience. Will it add anything other than frustration and annoyance? If not, then it is always a bad idea. Hence why requiring people to bother with clothes is a bad idea.
It would be more like having a water canteen or other liquid to sustain you over vast periods of time, like in Fallout 1, this feature of the game I really enjoyed and added a level of realism I liked. I know that you are afraid of such changes because you probably think that change is something that Fallout does not need as we have seen such experiances in the past *cough* Fallout: PoS *cough* but you must realise that the change in question is not at all like the changes in these failed experiments, but subtle changes that all successful games experience as they progress.
It would be more like having a water canteen or other liquid to sustain you over vast periods of time, like in Fallout 1, this feature of the game I really enjoyed and added a level of realism I liked. I know that you are afraid of such changes because you probably think that change is something that Fallout does not need as we have seen such experiances in the past *cough* Fallout: PoS *cough* but you must realise that the change in question is not at all like the changes in these failed experiments, but subtle changes that all successful games experience as they progress.
Stop mouth-stuffing. I applaud all change as long as it adds something useful and decent to the game experience, but having people change clothes just because it's more realistic won't add anything to the fun level or even the involvement, it'll only add to the annoyance.
Carrying around water is a bit different, but only if it isn't something a large part of your gaming experience would start to revolve around, because that is not what Fallout is about. must realise that there are many aspects of Fallout that are annoying, like getting Radiated almost to a crisp while trying to dig up a holodisc to join the Brotherhood, unless you take RadX? Or howabout wearing rubber boots instead of risking a sixth toe? These things can and have worked in the actuall good Fallout games, and my suggestion could easily be implemented into the new game, (if there is going to be a new game?).
ComradeDTA said:
ahem id like to keep this new Fallout as traditional as possible (sorry for my previous threads) but still have new aspects in them without throwing off the Fallout ultra-realism.

I stopped there, because it was obvious that someone doesn't know the Fallout setting.
ComradeDTA said: must realise that there are many aspects of Fallout that are annoying, like getting Radiated almost to a crisp while trying to dig up a holodisc to join the Brotherhood, unless you take RadX? Or howabout wearing rubber boots instead of risking a sixth toe? These things can and have worked in the actuall good Fallout games, and my suggestion could easily be implemented into the new game, (if there is going to be a new game?).
Ahem, those things added something substantial to the immersion. The radiation is a very important part of the Fallout inverse and created a lot of the atmosphere in The Glow, and was hence extremely important. Without that, it would just have been another looting place.

As for the rubber boots, I agree that that was largely silly and also useless, it didn't really add anything either.
To Roshambo
yeah than why did you post? Look I was a little misguided because LACK OF FALLOUT, not only that but I actually lost my Fallout 1 *sniff* and when I say ultra-realism, I mean it's ultra-realistic because you are not judged by class, but of actions, u know kinda like REAL life? and as for the setting, it's pretty realistic keeping in mind that it's post-apocalyptic, desert, everyone is dead or dying...yeah that sounds pretty realistic for a place THAT HAD THE HELL NUKED OUT OF IT.

So you know what? if you don't like it don't bother posting.

To Sander:
I agree with you on the Rubber Boots, but don't you think that something as important as climate (considering that industry is fucking it up alone, imagine how a NUCLEAR war would affect it) ok ok, I admit that it may be a little outrageous, but I still would like to see different climates, weather patterns and tempertaure in Fallout. Regardless of clothing matters.
I agree with you on the Rubber Boots, but don't you think that something as important as climate (considering that industry is fucking it up alone, imagine how a NUCLEAR war would affect it) ok ok, I admit that it may be a little outrageous, but I still would like to see different climates, weather patterns and tempertaure in Fallout. Regardless of clothing matters.
Climate can add a lot of feel and immersion to a game, but that kind of immersion is completely destroyed by forcing players to screw around with clothing and whatnot. Yes, it may be realistic, but it's not fun at all, and doesn't add anything good to the gameplay. Climates in general is a completely different story, though.
Don't mouth off to Rosh. It's bad for you.

As for the clothing thing: I imagine it could be valid... Given the water canteen reference and all (it's a friggin classic. Idae of climate variation isn't outrageous by any means, it's something I could have actually missed in Fallout... had I stopped to think of it.)
The rubber boots didn't really add anything to the game, but then again they didn't need a complex system incorporated for them to work which a climate system would need. About the only extra protection in FO3 needed would be having PA give more protection against radiation or poisoning.

I would like to see a PA game where the emphasis was on survival, clothing protecting you more from the environment than from attack. Perhaps adjusting your inventory space depending on how many pockets you have etc but it wouldn't really fit in the pulp sci-fi theme of Fallout. 50's pulp writers weren't really concerned with realism, when you consider they tended to have chicks in skimpy clothing running around in space etc.
Yeah, but in Fallout: Tactics, there was snow, which was an aspect of the game I enjoyed and a relief from boring, dead wastelands, but I was disappointed they did not elaborate on the weather system, many players would find different climates in Fallout welcoming, I mean think about it, you could even base quests on it, as in a family needs wood for a fire to stay warm, but this quest would only be activated if it was a colder weather pattern, see what I mean, yes true it would be interesting (annoying to some) to require clothing to resist state change, but think of the positives of Climates and weather patterns ie: Fargo travelled out into the wastes in search of pelts, flash snow storm occurs, Fargo is trapped in den surrounded by woolly mutant sasquatches.
ComradeDTA said:
Yeah, but in Fallout: Tactics, there was snow, which was an aspect of the game I enjoyed and a relief from boring, dead wastelands, but I was disappointed they did not elaborate on the weather system, many players would find different climates in Fallout welcoming.
Everything in FOT was an abberation, the 50's pulp sci-fi writer dreaming the Fallout universe had a night off when it came to that game. The waterless landscape of Fallout, is the landscape of the Fallout universe isn't the entire world meant to be one big desert?
Uhm, why the hell not? I always enjoyed the notion of radioactive snowfall...:) Although the snow didn't do shit if FT, , it was kind of a nice change.
In Adytum in Fallout one I asked one of the strooling girls and she said "have you ever seen the rain glow?" and also "looks like rain again..." excuse me if I am wrong but that hardly comes off as a waterless landscape. Also in Fallout 2 there are multiple random encounters where there are some small pools of water, and even more lively looking trees and whatnot...I would think that these trees would require rain to grow correct? So even the makers of old Fallout hinted different weahter patterns, I'm just saying go from that, make green rain and snow, hell it's new and it won't fuck up the game at all in my opinion, but the clothing thing was a bit to radical, but there are other benefits (season specific quests, different encounters etc.)