Collapse - A post-apocalyptic action game


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
CreoTeam, a new development studio from Eastern Europe, is working on their first title, the post-apocalyptic action game Collapse. The description from the official website lends some insight into the game:<blockquote>2096 A.D. The world we know is destroyed. The new world is full of anomaly, extraterrestrial creatures and mechanisms beyond our comprehension. The remains of humankind live under the constant menace of alien attacks, while the law of the strongest has taken place over the society.

“Collapse” is a remarkable 3D Action game with gripping adventure elements. Striking realism of character, organic combination of cold and fire-arms, colorful impacts and fighting acrobatics, the interactive destroyed world, unique design and deep story line – CreoTeam is making an amazing job! And stunning music by NewTone makes this job even more impressive.</blockquote>In addition, managing director Victor Blagomir was recently interviewed by Cosmos Gaming, detailing much more of the game, from setting to gameplay.<blockquote>The screens released so far show some interesting looking indoor and outdoor areas. What other sort of locales will players be able to explore?

The game shows several time periods and kinds of setting. In 2013, right after the catastrophe, you see a realistic looking, devastated eastern European city. And playing in 2096, when the main game action takes place, you discover a post-apocalyptic world with futuristic design and high technologies. In some levels you will deal with the technologies of the alien civilization. Collapse opens a world full of paranormal occurrences, where the elements of the human and extraterrestrial worlds are inseparable. Sometimes it spikes horror into you... the things that happen around you seem incomprehensible, and you have to guess and understand its odd riddles and signs that are in every location. To describe it wouldn't be worth it - you have to play to understand and feel it!

What do you feel will give Collapse an edge over other games in its genre?

Surely it is the gameplay that combines numerous styles, deep storyline and overall high quality.</blockquote>It is unlikely that NMA will continue to follow this game, as it is outside our focus; but this newspost is to give a heads-up to anyone who might be interested.

Official Collapse Website.
Interview at Cosmos Gaming.
Concept art and screenshots from the CreoTeam website.

Interview spotted at Blue's News.
You know, this concept art reminds me of Final Fantasy VII, namely the escape from Midgar on motorcycle.

While on the other hand, this, this, and this all remind me of Half-Life 2. A massive alien tower in the center of a decaying Eastern European city?
Personally I am sick and tired of the whole "Aliens invade Earth" theme, it has been done to death.

What do storywriters think? The first any alien civilization does when they master interstellar travel is go out and conquer other planets, oh and learn English while they are at it?
There seem to be quiet a lot people/designer out there, who
share a love for (post)apocalyptic themes and swords,
I mean, that's not the first game where one is wondering
about swords, or the like, that seem a little bit out of place.
Wow, destroyables :?

Yeah, who makes swords* in a world of guns? I realized the "stupidness" in the last sentence so let me rephrase.

Why use swords in a world of guns? The guy on those picture is clearly in several fire fights. Is he supposed to win?

*thats intended to be used. Not todays ninja stuff.
Tannhauser said:
While on the other hand, this, this, and this all remind me of Half-Life 2. A massive alien tower in the center of a decaying Eastern European city?

Now that you mention it, it just looks like a glorified Source mod. Hell, those creatures in the last screen even look like headcrabs.
looks like lara croft vs soul reaver in a post apocalyptic setting ...
only good thing i see so far is the setting getting more attention these days .. even if it is with swords
Tannhauser said:
A massive alien tower in the center of a decaying Eastern European city?

The best view in Warsaw is from Warsaw Palace of Culture and Science because you dont see the Warsaw Palace of Culture and Science from it.
lol Wooz, didnt know the latest trend says that Russians are aliens :lol:

Anyway, the game sounds interesting. The storyline seems vaguely familiar, but i cant place it :/

Monsharen said:
Why use swords in a world of guns?

Uh, because they look cool? :roll: ;d Seriously, in every game that involves swords AND guns, i always pick the first. Nothing more satisfying than cutting up a gun wielding asshole with your enchanted +325 vorpal laser plasma runic ancient obsidian mithril sword of the whatever. :D