

A Smooth-Skin
yo yo yo

I'm going to college or something in october, but haven't really chosen any courses yet? I don't really want to go but then I'd have to work or something.

Anyway, I've sort of decided on
Media Studies
that's it. you drop one or something. Anyway, I'm not really bothered about the usefulness of each, I just want to learn something and mabye have a slip of paper at the end. So are any of the courses really fucking shit? I've thought most of them will be, as I don't really enjoy many of them. I might do Art or some junk.
Don't take psychology unless you're going to be a psychiatrist or something. It's boring, uselss, and you can take all the interesting classes as electives anyway.

I'd recommend media studies, it would probably lead to a more interesting/creative job than the others. History would be best if you just want a general degree.
Montez said:
Don't take psychology unless you're going to be a psychiatrist or something.
Meggy as a shrink?
That's a scary thought.

The only advice I can give is not to go into a course just to put off getting a job.
Or if you do, research it a bit first, or you'll end up in a shitty course and either end up dropping out or getting a worthless qualification.

I went to Uni with that idea and ended up quitting. (Not to mention having a (minor) nervous breakdown to boot)
Montez said:
Don't take psychology unless you're going to be a psychiatrist or something. It's boring, uselss, and you can take all the interesting classes as electives anyway.

Psychology boring? :shock:
I went into psychology thinking I'd hate it, I was just taking it as an elective to get more credits. I ended up loving it, and its now my major.
But for first year I had a teacher who works with the big-time serial killers, so I suppose he might have made it more interesting. It gets better further up the line too.
A Psychology course (specifically Psychopathology) and Forensic Anthropology were the two most interesting classes I've taken.

I took media studies in high school. That was also a great class (not too hard either, I received a 99%).

I've found that the professor can make a boring class amazing. I actually ended up taking second year English because of the instructor - he made the class so interesting that nobody missed class.

It really depends on what your career goal is. Money vs. Interest. Its even better if you can find a career goal that has both.
I'd recommend a philosophy course--I took Philosophy of Death this semester and loved it! Definitely check out the reputation of your professors though--having a good one makes a huge difference.
Katja said:
Psychology boring? :shock:
I went into psychology thinking I'd hate it, I was just taking it as an elective to get more credits. I ended up loving it, and its now my major.
But for first year I had a teacher who works with the big-time serial killers, so I suppose he might have made it more interesting. It gets better further up the line too.
A Psychology course (specifically Psychopathology) and Forensic Anthropology were the two most interesting classes I've taken.

That's what I meant - psychology as a whole isn't what people think it is, it's more of a scientific discipline involving serious research and study, usually of very basic mental processes. If you just have an intrest in serial killers, the mentally ill, abnormal psychology, or media manipulation you're much better off taking those classes as an elective. Otherwise it's like majoring in chemistry when all you really want is to know how to make gunpowder.

In my experience most people aren't interested in actual "psychology", just some of the weirdness related to it.
Choose art, Meg. Take it from me. Drinking, naked girls, boobs.
Make sure you make your schedule so you don't have any class or anything on Friday. That way you can have a 3 day weekend! Trust me, its probably the most clutch thing you can do.
Montez said:
Don't take psychology unless you're going to be a psychiatrist or something. It's boring, uselss, and you can take all the interesting classes as electives anyway.

Agreed. Psychology is not what most people expect it to be, and is not a study most people should take.

Isn't a healthy study either, fucks up your life something good :wink:

I wouldn't do Politics all too quick either, those studies can be tough, depending on how interested in Politics you are.

I'm not going to recommend any new ones like all these people who don't seem to get the subject of the thread (ehehehe), either History or Media Studies. I'd recommend Media Studies first. Easiest and most useful.
Ask around about the professors. Avoid foreign ones at all cost. Katja's right, whether or not a class is fun depends on the professor more than a subject.
I've looked about. My dad used to teach at the college so he knows a few of the teachers, but his advice can usually be forgotten.

I know Psychology isn't going to be stuff like OMG SERIAL KILLAZ. I reckon we'll just be doing stuff like relationships or groups or something. I think I might like it? I'll do a bit more research though.

I'm not bothered about money either. I might change my mind when I'm older, but I don't see the point in slaving away at something I hate just so I can support myself or mabye my family? meh. If I don't like the courses I'll just do them anyway, I've already been fucking around for 5 years in classes I hate.

I'll reconsider Art. I wasn't bothered about Politics much. Same with History. I don't really know enough about Philosophy too jump on the course? It just seems like English and History mebbe. I've thought about doing Law, but I don't really like the jobs linked with it. And I don't lick business.

So thar?

I don't know what I'll do after college. Mabye make horrible ads or something.
megatron said:
I don't really know enough about Philosophy too jump on the course? It just seems like English and History mebbe.

Yeah, that's pretty much right. The main difference is that in English you're learning to analyze and compare literature, while in Philosophy you're learning to analyze and compare ideas. Not much of a difference really, but some people prefer one to the other. Can't speak for History though, never taken a college course in it. Personally I'd choose English out of the two, at least you'll end up reading some really great books. With a few exceptions philosophy is pretty pathetic, just a sad attempt by people to turn their subjective views of the world into logical "proofs" while arguing with everyone else. Modern philosophy is a nightmare of retardation, it's like most of them were too lazy to be real scientists or mathematicians but couldn't abandon their scientist fantasies.
APTYP said:
Ask around about the professors. Avoid foreign ones at all cost. Katja's right, whether or not a class is fun depends on the professor more than a subject.

True but really sad...But I've had my shares of teachers that were really bad and those that grabbed you in and took you on a journey..not literally of course..

I started with Psychology and ended up with Computer Science..go figure...
ExtremeRyno said:
Or choose to be a teacher: Drinking, Pot...Ehrm..Drinking...Single Moms...Drinking...

Hey.... what you mean. I'm a grad student but also a teacher... What are implying here, Ryno?
I study economics and political science, some interesting stuff there. Also interesting in studying some philosophy in elective courses sometime in the future.
Montez said:
That's what I meant - psychology as a whole isn't what people think it is, it's more of a scientific discipline involving serious research and study, usually of very basic mental processes.

Yeah. A vast number of people don't like the course because of the other aspects of the course (cognition, perception, brain anatomy, etc). The amount of work involved doesn't make it much better.
Thankfully, I enjoy all aspects of psychology, with the exception of brain anatomy (which I'm willing to put up with because I enjoy it).

Kharn said:
Isn't a healthy study either, fucks up your life something good :wink:

That's actually really true. :?

Kharn said:
I'd recommend Media Studies first. Easiest and most useful.

I agree.
I enjoy psychology (except for the referred above anatomy part) but I enjoy even more sociology I currently am having. You gain great insights on human behavior as a society and a whole. It helps in the professor uses day-today examples and talks about thinks currently going on in the news today.

Other then that (and not knowing how your education system works) I have to say: Art.

I chose the Artistic area (and I’m currently a university student in Communication Design) and I have to say that studying Arts changed me completely. I learned new ways to look at the world, to understand all things around me. History of Art, especially, is a class that needs a lot of knowledge. It draws for psychology, sociology, history, anthropology, etc… and since Art is the greatest of all Human actions…well… your call…

But still, I don’t know how “Art” class is in your country.