1. is fast shot/slayer of any use in VATS? Does it reduce AP cost by 20/30% respectively, or is only good for real-time?
2. Is the skill that bumps your accuracy by 20% at the cost of weapon speed any use outside VATS? Does accuracy even count outside vats, or is it just that bullets go wherever you point them?
3. Is burst weaponry/minigun useless? With 10 damage per hit, it seems the enemies will shrug off all damage with 10 DT and it doesn't matter if they will get hit 30 times again in the same second for that 1 damage... shotguns have shotgun surgeon which reduces problems against armored enemies, but miniguns and smgs don't have such a perk...
4. do VATS still grant +15% critical chance?
5. Is torsoshot x1 damage and headshot x2?
6. Is DT factored in before difficulty damage modifier (easy 200% damage, v.hard 50%) or after?
7. DO different weapons have different effective range? Rifles and pistols seem to have awfuly short range both, pretty much limiting me when it comes to stealth criticals... I hope sniper rifles are different
8. Why does VATS have such pitiful chance to hit on even medium distances? I'm already at gun skill at 75 and when trying to use VATS against anything other than at point-blank range, it often has 20-40% chance to hit which kills the purpose...
9. Is massive DT worth it on very hard? I always play highest difficulty setting and noticed that while weaker firearms do nothing to me with 10 DT, real threatening enemies like Giant Radscorps do 100 dam per hit, and because of it it barely matters whether my DT is 10 or 12 or 15...
10. Is the 15% granted from VATS (providing it's still there) multiplied by weapon critical chance mod? IE will I perma-crit with 5% CC and a x5 critical chance weapon in VATS? or is it added after calculations?
2. Is the skill that bumps your accuracy by 20% at the cost of weapon speed any use outside VATS? Does accuracy even count outside vats, or is it just that bullets go wherever you point them?
3. Is burst weaponry/minigun useless? With 10 damage per hit, it seems the enemies will shrug off all damage with 10 DT and it doesn't matter if they will get hit 30 times again in the same second for that 1 damage... shotguns have shotgun surgeon which reduces problems against armored enemies, but miniguns and smgs don't have such a perk...
4. do VATS still grant +15% critical chance?
5. Is torsoshot x1 damage and headshot x2?
6. Is DT factored in before difficulty damage modifier (easy 200% damage, v.hard 50%) or after?
7. DO different weapons have different effective range? Rifles and pistols seem to have awfuly short range both, pretty much limiting me when it comes to stealth criticals... I hope sniper rifles are different
8. Why does VATS have such pitiful chance to hit on even medium distances? I'm already at gun skill at 75 and when trying to use VATS against anything other than at point-blank range, it often has 20-40% chance to hit which kills the purpose...
9. Is massive DT worth it on very hard? I always play highest difficulty setting and noticed that while weaker firearms do nothing to me with 10 DT, real threatening enemies like Giant Radscorps do 100 dam per hit, and because of it it barely matters whether my DT is 10 or 12 or 15...
10. Is the 15% granted from VATS (providing it's still there) multiplied by weapon critical chance mod? IE will I perma-crit with 5% CC and a x5 critical chance weapon in VATS? or is it added after calculations?