combat recording?

chadious maximus

First time out of the vault
ok, my first post back on NMA in YEARS! here is an idea i like for Fallout 3, how about Combat Recording?

after a fight, you have the option to save the entire sequences of events that just happened, and rewatch them. i am a firm believer in the turn based engine, and the isometric view, but wouldnt it be nice to see the recorded fight happen in real time from any angle?

when you watch the combat, you can of course, adjust certain parameters, like say, watching it turn by turn if you like, watching as it happened, or, like i said, in "real" time. i personally think it'd be cool. dont know if anybody posted an idea like this or not, didnt look like it in the post subjects, but you never know, i havent read all of them yet.

heh heh, imagine reliving your grandest triumphs, showing them off to your buds, and shouting "take it bitch!" at the screen as you watch the biggest thorn in the game you've faced die over and over again until you are satisfied!

just a little idea. tell me what you think.
ok, maybe i was a bit too late in my post. i just read about F3 using the Oblivion Engine. hmmm, that doesnt bode well for turn based combat. it *could* be done, but probably wont. if it DOES have the option to do turn based, hey, my idea is still out there!
Please don't double post, you can edit in any additional comments you need to make with the 'Edit' button.

Don't have much to say about the idea, I've never felt that a recorder added anything to a game outside of the strategy genre (where it can be valuable to learn from).
I think that feature would feel a little bit out of place in the game, but it could have some neat uses...
Milo said:
I think that feature would feel a little bit out of place in the game, but it could have some neat uses...


Apart from reviewing enemy tactics and using what you did wrong to correct it for next time, what else could you do...?

Actually they are good ideas!!!1


It is a OK idea, BUT, if you use this combat recording to enhance your strategy against the enemy, once you have played it through a few times, against similar enemies, you wouldn't need such a thing.

But it is a good idea, at least. something I have never thought of before.
Would be nice if they had in Fallout... you could make a nice movie called "101 ways to kill Ian"

Anyhoo... converting the turn based actions to real time? Wouldn't you get errors with the timing and stuff? But besides that, it doesn't sound too bad.
Morpoggel said:
Would be nice if they had in Fallout... you could make a nice movie called "101 ways to kill Ian"

Ya, the only use would be to make goofy movies like that, doubt the combat will have strategy so deep that it requites reviewing of tactics...
well, i was thinking it would be coolest for the Turn-Based to Real-Time thing mostly, and watching interesting fights over again. like i said, if you have one of those fights that (assuming you werent cheating) you shouldnt have won but did, wouldnt it be cool to show it off or just rewatch yourself triumph?

personally i dont think you could really *learn* anything from it very well, i just liked the idea because, IF you could get it to work, you could KEEP the Turn-Based combat but still satisfy those Real-Time guys. i enjoyed the Turn-Based combat, but often wondered what it would look like in Real-Time. if i had to choose one or the other, i wouldnt trade TB for RT anyday, but it'd be a nice little addition i think if it would work.

oh, sorry for the double post, again, been a while since i contributed to NMA.
well the only real problem is that fallout combat, although fun and well designed, really isn't all that cinematic
It might be fun to post your latest big fight on a message board, but I'd rather the devs worked on the game rather than spending all that time adding another feature.
It's not strictly stupid, but it doesn't really improve the game in any way.

I wouldn't call it the lamest idea ever. It's kinda like something you'd look at and think "Hey, this is neat." and then forget about it.
*looks at Ashmo*

"Hey, that's neat."


It's a lousy feature, even in RTS games. The time it would take to design such an unnecessary feature can be used in much better ways, methinks.
As I said, it's not really the lamest idea ever.

Implementing it would just be a horrible waste of time and resources that could be better spent elsewhere.

So, yeah, if we're talking about actually IMPLEMENTING the idea, it's pretty stupid.
While I completely agree that turn based is the best for a cRPG. Having a fight recorder is kinda neat.

Using that idea and bending it a little. What about a Turn based system that everything happens at once in.
To try and explain this picture the fallout interface and as usual you have unlimited time to make your mind up on what to do, just like normal. but once you start to move your character becomes opaque and the effects of your actions aren't carried out yet.
When you hit the end of turn button the "Turn" is processed and all combatants perform their predetermined actions at once and the effects of these actions are applied (i.e. the bullets hit). This could all be rendered at a far higher quality than and FPS around making this system the prettiest and of course allowing a fight recorder.

The would be nice to see and I some times apply this rule to PnP RPGing.

Don't know if it would be better than Turn based, but it would be a nice option.
This doesn't work well, mainly due to 'overlapping' effects. Eg. you tell your character to shoot someone twice, yet the first shot kills him, now what happens? Or, your character critically fails his first shot and destroys his weapons.
Now what?
his doesn't work well, mainly due to 'overlapping' effects. Eg. you tell your character to shoot someone twice, yet the first shot kills him, now what happens?

You shoot his body as it falls to the ground, kind of adds an element of judgment (and luck) to combat, or if the A.I. is smart enough the the character takes a shot at a target of opportunity

your character critically fails his first shot and destroys his weapons.

Didn't think of that, though the sadistic GM in me says tough "you look in stunned horror at you exploded 10mm pistol" Remember it's only one round and it can happen to the NPC's as well.
E said:
You shoot his body as it falls to the ground, kind of adds an element of judgment (and luck) to combat, or if the A.I. is smart enough the the character takes a shot at a target of opportunity
No, it removes the element of proper tactics from the gunfight.

Didn't think of that, though the sadistic GM in me says tough "you look in stunned horror at you exploded 10mm pistol" Remember it's only one round and it can happen to the NPC's as well.
Yet it's really, really frustrating (and not fun) for anyone to play a game like that, especially since a RPG like Fallout is supposed to be about playing a character, not having it played for you.
hmmm, i guess nobody really liked the idea. like i said, it serves no purpose other than just showing off or rewatching a victory. if you simplify the idea, and takeaway the whole turn-based to real-time idea, and just have a simple recorder for the real-time environment (because you know with the Oblivion Engine it WILL be real-time), it could still be interesting, but like was said before, it'd be something that would be easily forgotten.

this wasnt a SERIOUS IDEA, just one of those interesting little WHAT IFS? for showing off a victory. there are times in various games when i want to go back and watch my character whoop somebodies ass again, but that character nolonger exists, i have no more save-games, and it would take too long to create another character and get to that point. and there are other games that allow me that option in various forms, i was simply wondering if it might not apply also to the Fallout series?

when it comes right down to it, i would rather have a well built game with only a few features, instead of a mediocre game with many, and this feature idea CERTAINLY ISNT IMPORTANT, just interesting to ME, nothing more.