Combat settings


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
I've noticed a few quirks with the NPC combat settings in Fallout 2, and I'm wondering if it's possible to change their effect on AI behavior.

The "Whomever is attacking me" setting actually makes the NPC only attack the last enemy that you attacked. If that enemy is dead for any reason or you haven't attacked anyone, the NPC will not do anything in combat. Not recommended unless you are fighting a battle where getting certain targets down quickly is more important than overall damage output (such as that one mutant with the rocket launcher, or the fire gecko among the goldens). It is also a useful setting for keeping Goris from storming out to attack the Navarro turrets - you can "tag" targets for him to attack. This is only good if you are the one to initiate combat however, as otherwise his crazy high Sequence will actually make him attack last - if an enemy initiates combat he gets his turn before you, but whiffs it because you haven't attacked anyone yet.

The "Snipe the enemy" setting is garbage. It seems to make the NPC try to stay at a "sweet spot" of about 20 hexes away from the enemy. The trouble is that if they are even one hex away from this spot they will spend their entire turn moving towards it, and this happens all the time with enemies that move around, or when the NPC targets someone else. Avoid like the plague.

The "Stay close to me" combat setting will make an NPC prioritize staying close to you over attacking enemies. If you move further than about 7 hexes away from them they will spend their entire next turn catching up to you. Can be useful for making sure your boys stay put in the bottleneck you've decided for them, as long as you don't move around too much (but "Stay where you are" is better for that if you have the opportunity to move them around before combat begins).

"Charge!" means the NPC will not attack anyone unless they are exactly 1 hex away from them, again prioritizing movement over damage. It also means they are very unlikely to burstfire against multiple opponents, since they always run up to whomever they are targeting and burst only them.

The "Target the weakest" setting seemingly makes the NPC go after the enemy with the least hitpoints (I'm not sure if their armor or crippled limbs are also factored in) in the vicinity. If they are unable to target this enemy (for example if their movement settings forbid them to go close enough) they will not do anything, even if they're surrounded by multiple other opponents.

"Target the strongest" functions like the one above, NPCs will refuse to attack anyone else than the tankiest enemy in the room. An example is when Kaga runs away after taking enough damage. If your NPCs with this setting don't have him in range, they will sidestep around his dangerous buddies in order to follow him. They also look at an enemy's current hitpoints, so with this setting they will alternate between attacking two similar targets rather than focusing on one of them as they would with "Target the weakest".

So, the most damaging movement option for slow but skilled burst weapon users (Cassidy, Skynet, Vic at high levels) should be "On your own", and attacking "Whomever you want". This will let them burst at enemies across the room damaging others inbetween, without spending more AP than they have to on moving. A safer option for the ones with a lot of AP (Sulik, Marcus) would be "Charge!" and attacking "The closest", to avoid them spraying party members. Pure snipers (Low level Vic, Marcus with an energy rifle or Lenny with a .223 pistol) could be set to attacking "The closest" and either "Stay where you are" or "On your own".

So, how do I change any of this behavior? Is it at all possible?
Interesting stuff Magnus. I had wondered the details of NPC AI behaviour. I almost always use 'stay close to me' as I end up running away so often, and most other settings lead to my companions charging off to attack whatever i'm high-tailing it away from. Which usually leads to their deaths. :confused:

As to changing it, well, I would guess the AI rules are all hard-coded together in the .exe ... making them probably tricky as hell to change. I'm interested to know what you have in mind though ...
There is the AI.txt file, but I'm struggling to make heads and tails of it. If the rules are indeed hardcoded, perhaps it's something those cleverclogs in the Sfall team could take a look at?

I'm currently punching Navarro to death with an unarmed Stupid char, he's got the Jinxed and Heavy Handed traits, and 15 melee damage (which gets applied to his minimum damage because of F2WR). He survives on causing criticals and letting his obscene AC + Jinxed work for him ("Plasma Turret critically missed and its weapon exploded!"), but Goris and Xarn do not survive. At all.

Goris I can sort of handle with the "Whomever is attacking me" setting, and Vic and Sulik are okay (although Vic tends to kill the deathclaws rather than the guards), but Xarn rushes out to his death every time I emerge from the basement where I've barricaded myself. I'm using the elevators for guerilla tactics, coming out to watch the deathclaws Zerg the turrets while me and my pals take out a guard or two, before we go back down to heal. Looots of reloading, but I'm finally getting there.

This all inspired me to try and see if the AI can be modded, because most of the times I've died were because of artificial stupidity. Having NPCs respect each other when bursting would go a long way. I'm aware that there's a mod which lets you control party members, but I think that makes the game too easy.
There is the AI.txt file, but I'm struggling to make heads and tails of it. If the rules are indeed hardcoded, perhaps it's something those cleverclogs in the Sfall team could take a look at?

I'm currently punching Navarro to death with an unarmed Stupid char, he's got the Jinxed and Heavy Handed traits, and 15 melee damage (which gets applied to his minimum damage because of F2WR). He survives on causing criticals and letting his obscene AC + Jinxed work for him ("Plasma Turret critically missed and its weapon exploded!"), but Goris and Xarn do not survive. At all.

Goris I can sort of handle with the "Whomever is attacking me" setting, and Vic and Sulik are okay (although Vic tends to kill the deathclaws rather than the guards), but Xarn rushes out to his death every time I emerge from the basement where I've barricaded myself. I'm using the elevators for guerilla tactics, coming out to watch the deathclaws Zerg the turrets while me and my pals take out a guard or two, before we go back down to heal. Looots of reloading, but I'm finally getting there.

This all inspired me to try and see if the AI can be modded, because most of the times I've died were because of artificial stupidity. Having NPCs respect each other when bursting would go a long way. I'm aware that there's a mod which lets you control party members, but I think that makes the game too easy.
ControlCombat exists in the ddraw.ini, it'll be like playing Pokémon or another RPG game with multiple characters… but with the Fire Emblem style of permadeath.

Will Sfall one day add a risk of your team members going rogue like in Wasteland? Probably, but they better not do something senseless.
@Magnus, the AI is irredeemably terrible I'm afraid. Unless you want to go work on sfall.

If anyone were to ever pick up sfall again in a thorough way, I think the only way to "fix" the AI to a degree would involve increasing the amount of checks heavily (the reason the AI runs up to an enemy without attacking is that there's no more AI checks for targets after the initial move order is made). Same goes for weapon selection.
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ControlCombat exists in the ddraw.ini, it'll be like playing Pokémon or another RPG game with multiple characters… but with the Fire Emblem style of permadeath.

Will Sfall one day add a risk of your team members going rogue like in Wasteland? Probably, but they better not do something senseless.

This is probably the best way to get around the terrible AI. The only problem is that now you are in control of a team of omniscient super soliders, and every enemy essentially just runs into your bullets.

The only way around this is to install better weapon mods (like yours Magnus!), that make most weapons deadly in 1-2 hits, and the heavy firepower (Laser/Plasma, Gauss, Miniguns with AP ammo) be near guaranteed kills for everything that's not in Power Armor. That's how I play it. It's very realistic, and even with party combat control, shit can get real bad, real fast. It's really fun, in my opinion. Though one shot kills are quite common.