combat_p_proc doesn't work for OBJ_DUDE?

Havoc6969 said:
How do you edit these scripts? Do you use the fallout2 mapper or some other program to edit them?

The only thing you can do with scripts in the mapper is attach them to objects or maps. The mapper looks for compiled scripts, and it knows the script names by reading the \scripts\scripts.lst. I personally edit the scripts with a text editor, but there are some tools like Jargo's FSE that allow you to edit and compile like an IDE. I'm kind of old school I guess, I use VI to edit the scripts, and I have built some batch files that open the scripts source code if an error is found during script compilation. To work with scripts you need to set up the watcom c compiler. See ColJack's tutorial and this, and look here.

Havoc6969 said:
Im hoping there might be some way to edit ap ammo in this script:

#define DAM_HIT (256)

My understanding about what that is .... this the list of critical damage types from \mapper2\scripts\headers\define.h. I think they represent the numbers associated with a damage type roll in the game engine. So those are the types of damage that might happen on successful hit that is a critical hit.

There is a script command critter_injure which allows you to use these damage types, but unfortunately only the cripple ones seem to work in a script (see the above discussion). I tested them all and only 5 seem to work, they are the 4 cripple ones and blinding. The others are presumably only used by the game engine to assign special damage from critical hits.

You say you want to "edit ap ammo in this script" ... but I haven't found a way to make scripts work with weapons or ammo (if anyone figures this out, please tell!). The mapper actually allows you to attach scripts to both, but making them actually do something, not sure if you can, I can't seem to. So what this discussion was about was not scripting the actual weapon, but changing the player character's script, to test which weapon he is using, then do extra/special damage when he is wielding that weapon and makes a hit.

I have thought about the issue you mention ... ie can this be helpful in applying extra damage by ammo type ... and I'm not sure it can. I can tell what weapon the player is wielding but I don't know how to tell what ammo is loaded (via script). It may be possible but I don't see an obvious way at the moment. Hmmm I can check what armor a critter is wearing though, so if I knew:

1) What weapon the player is using
2) What ammo the weapon is using
3) What armor the target is wearing

Then it would be possible to get around the limitations of the ammo system. The ammo system in FO2 is way too limited. The missing part is really: effective way to apply damage by armor type, or the game engine should have special code to check the target armor type and ammo type, and handle AP differently than JHP etc. But it doesn't appear to do that. Also, it would be nice if damage type could be specified for ammo, but it cannot, its specified by weapon. That's kind of backwards: I should be able to make incendiary rounds, EMP rounds, etc. Can't be done in the original setup without making a different weapon for each damage type.

BTW I have set up a new set of numbers for all of the ammo types but haven't tested them yet. They are somewhere in the middle between the original FO2 numbers and the patches. More info on that later.