John Uskglass
Venerable Relic of the Wastes

Kharn said:In any case, the whole "get enough weapons so nobody dares attack" system is flawed for very obvious reasons. Heck, just watch Dr. Strangelove
Hello?... Ah... I can't hear too well. Do you suppose you could turn the music down just a little?... Oh-ho, that's much better... yeah... huh... yes... Fine, I can hear you now, Ariel... Clear and plain and coming through fine... I'm coming through fine, too, eh?... Good, then... well, then, as you say, we're both coming through fine... Good... Well, it's good that you're fine and... and I'm fine... I agree with you, it's great to be fine... a-ha-ha-ha-ha... Now then, Ariel, you know how we've always talked about the possibility of something going wrong with the Bomb... The *Bomb*, Ariel... The *hydrogen* bomb!... Well now, what happened is... ah... one of our base commanders, he had a sort of... well, he went a little funny in the head... you know... just a little... funny.
Mullahs have publicly stated that they are willing to sacrifice tens of millions of Iranian lives as one could quite easily totally eradicate ISreal with three atomic devices, while Iran would take hundreds.Damned, let them have their nukes. The possession of nuclear weapons seems to be the only thing that defers the American government from invading countries with anti-western governments, so I can understand why Iran would want nukes in the first place, really.
No dice.