
Vault Fossil
Looks interesting.

Was the world destroyed by a corporate bio-logical mistake or by eco-terrorists, bent on the destruction of capitalism?? Choose your side and fight!

Our group is attempting to mix the genres of the post-apocalypse, survival horror, FPS, RPG and RTS. While this may sound like a "kitchen sink" approach, we feel that the mixing of game capabilities that will yield the most freedom and immersive gameplay.

Players can choose from one of two sides:
> Corporate (high tech, militaristic corporations that live in domed modern cities)
> Outlanders (rust tech, guerilla nomads that live in junkyard cities)

Players can also choose from one of 3 races:

>PureHuman: most well-rounded set of skills and traits
>Bio-Borg: cyborg type, leaning toward higher intel, lower physical
>MutaGen: radiated mutant or genetic experiment, lower intel, higher physical stats

The game will be centered in PvP throughout a large world with high-tech corporate Cities, rust-tech outlander well as a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Vehicles from muscle cars to trucks to motorcycles to whatever will be drivable and play a key part in transportation. They will have moddable parts which can be tuned for performance, speed, terrain, and body armor.

The wasteland will be filled with resources like oil, gas, energy, food, metal and scrap tech parts. Claiming these and extracting them on an ongoing basis will be necessary to fund your clan as well as its domination of the map.

The goal, of course, is to rule the gameworld. Trust us, existing will be hard enough as it is. A clan will gather resources to finance and build an initial "forward base." To this base, other bases that increase group statistics (damage, healing, communication) can be added. Of course they must be defended as well. Populate the map with your clan's bases and keep them.

Bases can be destroyed or taken over in king of the hill type matches that require skills like demolition and hacking, as well as others.

A clan will gather resources to finance and build an initial "forward base." To this base, other bases that increase group statistics (damage, healing, communication) can be added. The result is a 3d militaristic base which will show up on the map. Of course they must be defended as well.

Buildings can be modified with various walls, towers, security cameras and other options in addition to buildings to add functionality.

A full p-a world with many twists to include radiated zombies, a host of mutated creatures, outpost settlements of traders, gamblers, weapons merchants, and much much more.

We are taking the original 2d Wasteland, Fallouts 1 & 2, as well as The Terminator, BladeRunner, Logan'sRun, MadMax movies and a whole host of p-a cannon to pull together what we feel will be an engaging mix of skill and art.
A McLaren F-1?

How do you justify that?

*smells Rosh coming and ducks*
The concept is pretty bad (Corporate vs Outlanders? Lame,) and I doubt these guys could impletement it at all. Just another MMORPG that does nothing new or interesting., survival horror, FPS, RPG and RTS...

Seriously...too many cooks spoils the soup and with that thought I say too many genres spoils the game.

Any two of those themes would be fine together, but not three. Think about it.

How would you have a FPS thats also a RTS anyway?

The Vault Dweller
A RTS FPS MMPORG with RPG elements? If it's for consoles too than it represents everything that is wrong with this world and must be destroyed!
Welcome to the last year.

Here's the thread from February 2004 where the project leader of Conflict:Omega shamelessly advertises his piece of shit MMORPG on NMA, even stooping so low as to make indefensible bullshit claims that his game "continues in the footsteps of Fallout".

Here's more bullshit by GameDev the accountant.

Here Mr. GameDev crosses the line yet again and gets perma-banned attention-whoring, trolling and general idiocy.

Even if Conflict: Omega didn't have all the obvious properties of shitty and overambitious vaporware (notice that they haven't released any material for almost two years now, and what material exists is beyond bad), I still wouldn't even consider playing it, simply because their lead designer conducts himself like a rude moron.
Yeah, I remember when it was "highly-addictive and fully immersive", until I had to point out that it hadn't made it past Alpha stages yet, or for that matter, had anything of note to show for the length of time whoring this garbage around. Oh, and that it was "highly-anticipated", though any site that does bother to cover this piece of vaporware crap has since listed it as just that, Vaporware, since they have changed teams and engines about three times since they spammed their EZBoard around.

RPGCodex. has a thread about this, too.

-"Conflict Omega. Not vaporware. Honest."

-"Conflict Omega: So good, you've never heard of it."

-"Conflict Omega -- It's like World of Warcraft meets Counter-Strike, except with 1/10000th of the playerbase."

-"Conflict Omega: Still laughing at the fact someone gave us money for this."

IRONY! DarkSign = DameDev = Putznutz.